Luceta Cap

Luceta Caps are a grouping of several species of bioluminescent fungus endemic to the caverns of Mt. Siratronos, upon which the Bayt Alman city of Tronadora is located. These fungi are highly prized for their ability to survive and produce light in even the darkest of environments, allowing them to be used as a light source within the city’s cavernous spaces.

Biology & Human Interaction

Lucetas make up a clade of agaricomycetes fungus species, of which 3 varieties are known. These separate species are a result of geographic separation within the Tronadoran caverns, but their range has increased as a result of human cultivation. The fungus typically feeds on a wide variety of organic waste materials, and produces mushrooms when mature.

Comii Luceta

Comii luceta are the dullest of the luceta caps, producing a pale red glow in dark spaces, and originating in the upper levels of the caverns. However, it is the only of the three species to be palatable, and as such is widely cultivated for use in Tronadora’s traditional cuisine. Families will often keep personal “gardens” of these mushrooms supplied with the household’s compost, as an efficient means of waste disposal and a convenient food source.

Lumo Luceta

Lumo luceta are the variety which foreigners are most likely to recognize, as they are commonplace on Bayt Alma’s streets. The mushrooms of this fungus produce a bright white glow and grow to large sizes, reaching heights of up to 10 inches. Tronadorans use these mushrooms to illuminate the streets of the subterranean caverns, along with lighting interior spaces. Luceta tenders are responsible for managing the lumo luceta used in street lamps, filling them with composted materials and ensuing the health of the fungus.

Pelos Luceta

The smallest of the luceta caps, pelos luceta are characterized by small, bulb like mushrooms which can glow in a variety of colors, depending on the material fed to the fungus. People often use these mushrooms as colorful decorations, in a fashion somewhat reminiscent of floral arrangements. However, the most infamous aspect of pelos luceta is their use as a poison. When consumed, the mushrooms of these plants cause gastrointestinal distress and disorientation. This can potentially prove fatal, especially when children are involved. In spite of this, most cases of pelos poisoning are non fatal. Though largely ineffective as a killer in itself, sometimes pelos mushrooms can be used to assist in assassination attempts


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