Lysandra Padilla

Lysandra was a grizzled veteran of war, who had spent most of her life fighting for the causes she believed in.
  Originally born in Egrecia to a family who practiced Saenism, her family decided to emigrate to Ahmum due to their struggle to make ends meet in the expensive city. Because of this, Lysandra was able to witness the military practices of the soldiers that protected Ahmum and became enamored with them.
  Once she got older, Lysandra enlisted in the army, which was not too common for women at the time. However, she fought in countless battles, always at the front lines and leading her fellow soldiers into battle. Her skill and strength were unmatched, bringing victory to her squad with no fail.
  However, Lysandra was never truly accepted by the upper-ups, as she was seen as an outsider due to her Saeno origins. They deemed her a wild card who did not fit in with their ideal image of a high-ranking soldier. Despite this, Lysandra remained faithful and loyal to her comrades and went out to fight by their sides.
  As she grew older, she became known as a grizzled veteran, a legend among her fellow soldiers. She refused to retire, despite nearing the age of eighty.
  "Age is just a number, and experience is the weapon of the wise. I may be old, but I've still got fight left in me."
  In the end, Lysandra died on the battlefield, never having lived to see a world free of war and conflict. She died knowing that she fought with all she had for what she believed in, and hoped that the world's dreams for a peaceful land would come to fruition.


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