
Malva is a city of @Tel Rialis, capital of the Domína Region and the location of the [polytheistic] council meeting.

Located in the Hanno Mountain Range next to @Melita Lake, Malva is known as the "City of Travelling Secrets" for its main exports, herbs and information.

As of [Current year], the city has a population of about 35,000. 70% of the total population of the Domína Region .


Geography and Climate

Malva sits next to a waterfall that originates from the lake in the mountains. The Pascula River (where the waterfall enters into) is at a lower elevation, and provides easy access to water sources. At the base of the waterfall and river, Malva has a port city for travel and trade. The waterfall flows from the high-elevation lake (Melita) in the mountains to the Pascula River below.

A giant pulley-system is utilized to move cargo/goods from river up to mountain city, visitors and citizens have different transportation methods. The high elevation (5000 feet) provides a defensive position and leads to unique lifestyles . The people utilize native plants that help with altitude sickness, and specialty teas that can only be grown at high altitudes are the region’s specialty export. Terrace farming is utilized during growing seasons.

The elevation determines wealth/status/protection. The wealthy live closer to the top of the mountain, but the highest is reserved for those of religious power and the council meeting temple. The climate offers extremes. Malva experiences hot and muggy summers, with cold winters. Heavy fog is common, which helps with defensive purposes.



Malva was founded in [the year] and is named for the matriarchy as Malva loosly translates to "The Queen's City." It was built for its defensible location high up in the mountains, its abundant resources, and direct access to Melita Lake. The lake is the cornerstone of the city as it provided fresh water, mechanical power, and the river it forms at the bottom of the mountains allow ships to import and export goods. The lake is named for the first Queen of Malva, Queen Melita.

Until the lifts were built in [year], goods were delivered up winding paths into the mountains, a climb of about 5,000 feet.



The mining industry has historically been Malva's economic base. The Hanno mountain range is very rich in metals used for smithing. In the mountains and surrounding Melita Lake are many herbs used in tea and medicines. Raw minerals and herbs are exported out of the city via the river at the base of the mountain.

Malva also exports refined materials such as planks, gears, and bread. Their abundant access to mechanical power from the waterfalls in the mountains makes them one of the most efficient producer of these refined materials.



In terms of gastronomy, Malva possesses a wide variety of specialty herbs and root vegetables that are used both in delicacy cuisines and for medicinal purposes and advancements. Malva also is home to the popular cultural event Domina Ball, which is a spontaneous street game played within the city sections.



The city of Malva is the central meeting location for the annual polytheistic religious conference. One polytheistic council member lives in each polytheistic region, and all work together on an equal level.

The government is secular, therefore not intended to be directly involved with the polytheistic council members, religious leaders, and followers. Government influence is not very significant in Malva, as military influence is low and wealth distribution is fairly unequal. Distinctions between classes is most prominently displayed in living spaces (wealthier citizens live higher in the mountains near the lake, while lower class citizens live at the base of the river/waterfall). Some social services exist for longtime citizens, including financial services for individuals too old to work and relocation housing. Education is heavily prioritized in Malva, as the primary religious figure of the city is Miento, the god of knowledge and ignorance. The city contains many libraries, all of which are available to anyone who can afford to travel to the upper regions of the city. Citizens of Malva are permitted to enter and learn the city’s store of knowledge and secrets, but outsiders are far more likely to be prohibited. Malva is also the location of where the leading matriarchal figure resides.



There is some class division particularly within the capital of Malva. The upper regions of the city, located further up the mountain, are reserved for the upper class members (wealthy trade merchants, political and religious officials, etc.) with the additional vertical protection and lessened accessibility. The Saeno district lives along the port/docks at the base of Malva near their ships and the trading hub.

The village regions are less divisive, but some small districts do exist for the other religions (non-polytheists) to stick together in their own quarters.


Main Sights

Malva is the home to many of the most breathtaking views in the @Dom. Those views include:
  • The Tidal Falls, the waterfalls that flow out of Melita Lake
  • The Grand Falls, the massive waterfall that pours over the edge of the mountain and down into the river below
  • [Polytheistic temple in the mountains many followers make pilgrimages to]
  • Cliffside Inn, just outside Malva with a death-defying view down the mountain side overlooking the Grand Falls.
  • The Mile Tall Lifts, the incredible feats of engineering used to move goods up and down the mountains to the river below


Notable modes of transportation include sailing (across the river), horseback or mules for mountain paths, and the human-based pulley system in Malva. The pulley system costs money to ascend to the higher elevations and wealthier districts of the city.

Large city


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