Mariana Englie

Mariana Englie

  Mariana Englie a recently certified doctor, who advertises her services for any magical malady. Raised in the city of Domina she prays extensively to Miento and to a lesser extent to Heron who was the god of Egrecia where her mother was from. Her father, a notable practitioner of magic, worked his magic into his healing and taught his daughter, who when she turned 26 left the city to travel.  

Early life

A child of divorce she was raised in two separate homes one in Egrecia and one in Domina, but of one faith. An only child Mariana was educated at the Parila school since her parents were often away on their individual business trips. By all extent she should have been a lonely child but records have her documented quite frequently in what look like demerit forms along with three other children the names of whom have been scratched off with the exception of one Malia Pal.  


When she was a teen she was afflicted by the Blue Cold, the closest approximation to our world would be the scarlet fever which caused her to lose a portion of her hearing. She often prayed to Miento based on snippets of letters that were found in her home. She established her practice in the city of (placeholder) in the kingdom of Egrecia.  

Medical career

Quite the prolific doctor, over 500 scripts have been recovered from the practicum office where she practiced.
“20 scripts of Rimestone, taken orally nightly for three weeks- Englie”


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