Mariana Kenulsa

Mariana Kenulsa, known to her friends and family as Mari, is a scholar and a poet. She lives and breathes arts and culture as she tries to define the world with a sonnet or a brush stroke. She lives in comfortable modesty as her parents work to support themselves and her siblings. Mari, a 26 year old woman, thoroughly of age to be an independent adult still lives off of her parents while she chases the fleeting dream of changing the world with a piece of art. She doesn't stress or worry over the money though, her parents work hard enough to give their family a comfortable life and arts are priceless in her eyes.


Early Life

Mari was born in Malagra to her parents, Jesard and Tanara Kenulsa. Just as Mari turned four her younger brother Illian was born. Mari and Illian were rambunctious children and played together quite well. Normally, this would be wonderful news for their parents, both working full time. However, though there were few brawls between them as children, they quickly grew to trust each other and pull pranks and get into trouble.

Illian grew up and continued to get into trouble with their parents for stealing, ignoring their teachers, and damaging public property. Eventually, once he was 15, he out grew his troublesome days and enlisted in the military to help support his parents who had dealt with his shenanigans his whole life.

Mari, however, never grew out of irresponsibility as her brother did. She spent her time outside of school interacting with the world, making friends, exploring her faith, and engrossing herself in the arts.



While a talented artist and a skilled wordsmith Mari has struggled to make a living from her work. She has completed many paintings under the tutelage of her mentor, Penelope Laridona.

Penelope is an incredibly talented painter. Her works hang in the homes of many important figures throughout Malagra as well as the greater Malagra area. Her greatest work is a painting depicting the six Kaddite gods gracing the world with their gifts and curses. It hangs in the temple in the center of the city. Penelope has refined Mari's eye for art and guided her into creating wonderful works that hang in the homes of people in her community.

However, Mari yearns for more. She wishes to expand her capacity for art and explore other mediums. The gods exist in many different forms, why should an artist excel in only one? Her goal is to travel and explore Tel Rialis to deepen her understanding of the faith and create something that all Kaddite people can enjoy and embrace regardless of their cultural differences. Art that can overcome the boundaries to the regions of Tel Rialis.



Mari's portfolio includes many different mediums and styles. Some of her favorite or most important works are


  • Las Olas de Aimar
  • Malagra Besada por la Puesta del Sol
  • Los Soldados se Retiran de la Batalla


  • El Anhelo de Más Allá
  • Un Equilibrio de Emociones
  • Una Brisa del Otro Lado del Océano

by Midjourney AI
Current Residence


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