Mina al-Omer

Mina al-Omer, the Port Capital of Vencerrado



Mina al-Omer is the youngest capital city in all of Tel Rialis. A hub of growth and knowledge, the city seems to constantly be growing faster than it can adapt. Having only been the capital for a scant sixty years, there have been numerous growing pains during the adjustment. Now, as the city finally begins to calm its expansion, Vencerrado as a whole grows strong once more.


Mina al-Omer is built around its port. Every other section of the city is built out radially from this central hub. Due to the recent expansion of the city, much of the shape was planned at once leading to a very orderly and uniform design. This design becomes less intricate near the old sections of the city, where buildings were built as needed.


For most of Mina al-Omer's existence it was a small port city, built to facilitate the capital city built beneath the Serpent's Fang. The port sent and received supplies and trade goods, as well as travelers to and from the city. The purpose and importance of the city massively changed after the eruption of the Serpent's Fang and Princess Iliya's flight from her marriage. The eruption destroyed the old capital, and the previous royal family lost much of its political standing. These factors led to Mina al-Omer being named the new capital of Vencerrado. In the sixty years since this, the city has expanded massively and is still actively undergoing expansion. New buildings are constantly being added and modern technology is being integrated directly into the construction to allow for faster and more intricate construction.

Geography and Climate

Situated on the western coast of the Balthasaar Gulf, Mina al-Omer is one of the few locations in Vencerrado with any notable rainfall. Due to its location powerful storms hit the city quite frequently. These storms then migrate southward where they dissipate further inland. These frequent storms make the coast near Mina al-Omer one of the only readily fertile sections of Vencerrado's territory. This fertility is further enhanced by high temperatures and humidity in the region.


Mina al-Omer is ruled by the al-Omer family. The al-Omers have ruled the region for many generations, but recently increased their political power massively when Mina al-Omer was declared the new capital of Vencerrado. This moved all the other noble's activity to center within their borders, causing them to become the new royal family of the entirety of Vencerrado. The head of the al-Omer family sets laws and taxes for the city, which the other noble families must abide by. This gives the family immense, yet indirect, control over the entirety of the city-state as they can leverage their power over the nobles into control of those noble's territories. To oversee the various functions of the city, the al-Omer family appoints other nobles from within and without of their family into advisor positions. These advisors have a range of roles from collection of taxes, to management of the port, to secretarial duties. Receiving an advisor position is considered a high honor for members of a noble family who have no official position within their own house.

Social Services

Vencerrado as a whole takes pride in its ability to provide for its citizens, especially as an Al-Kuliyan nation. This is doubly true in the capital city. Traditionally there are several advisor positions whose sole duty is to provide social services for the city's population. This includes basic necessities such as food and housing, as well as funding for extra-curricular activities such as ice-dancing lessons. While the city strives to provide these services to all who it can, funding and other limiting factors often make it more difficult than the advisors like. There are often furious political battles over even small matters, and many are still wanting for housing as the city expands. The question of who will receive the next chunk of funding is always a contentious political topic.


All children in Mina al-Omer are guaranteed an education from the ages of 6 to 12 years. This education is state sponsored and takes place in the local temple. It covers the basics of literacy and craft skills, but the overall emphasis is on the Al-Kuliyan faith and the history of Vencerrado. For families of means there are more specialized educational paths for after the child reaches 13 years. These include lessons in magical craft, developing technology, and advanced theology.


Any sick or injured citizen of Mina al-Omer is guaranteed treatment from the local temple. The sick and injured receive top class medical care for whatever ailment they may have at no monetary cost. However, upon completion of the treatment the patient will be required to perform some act of service for the city or temple. Most often this comes in the form of working on the newest construction site. Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women are exempt from this requirement, but social expectation often leads a close male relative or friend to offer to work in their stead, in fear of stigmatization. People of means may pay the church directly in order to avoid any labor.


The two most recognizable areas of Mina al-Omer are the port and the temple. The city's port, which has serviced the city for centuries, has only become more grand during the expansion. With the destruction of the old capital the only large ports available to sail to readily from the city are located in Malagra. Due to this, the impressive port is more for display than heavy use. Inversely, the temple, which has existed since the city's founding but received incredible expansions as the city grew, has exploded in use along with the city. As the central hub of religion, medicine, and education in the city the temple has become an incredibly impressive building filled with the highest forms of art and technology.

Arts and Culture

The culture of Mina al-Omer has exploded in complexity and variety in the past few decades. As the city expands and builds itself up new technology has enabled incredible expressions of Vencerrado's heritage.


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