Moreno Relaris

Moreno lived north of the capital Tronadora. His town, Larjelen, is a few hours upstream. Its mill has a weaving mechanism, whose wool and leather garb is sought after by many. His fittings are precise and he has a good sense of design. He is an exclusive tailor, one of the finest outside the capital. His business has helped grow the town from hamlet to homely. He is 47 and his age is taking a toll on him for his many nights drinking, smoking, and pilgrimages to Duriya.   While his outward persona is mostly charming and quirky, he is a judgmental man who is selfish. He is single and approaching his elder years. Most believe he is very calm, however, this has only been since he took up meditation to squash his frustrations and let go. He likes to travel to Ahuum, the gambling city of Duriya. His gambling is fueled by his fashion business, selling to nobles in the cities of Bayt Alma.   Moreno’s house is a museum, in his life he has become a collector of the natural world and culture. His material obsession drove him to collect skulls, insects, plants, skins, pottery, daggers, Maps, and other oddities from around Tel Rialis. His long hours at work have left him with a more nocturnal schedule. Organization and designing new outfits for clients at night became a comfort, and the day’s sunlight was harsh.   This fear of the glaring sun leaves him having clients over for dinner, or his breakfast. Favored clients stay in his guest house, for him to work on their outfits at night say goodbye in the morning, delivering wares in a few days. His fashion sense is bold, using finely imported silks and textiles processed in his workshop. He works primarily in stitching fabrics and working leather, and had metalworkers in his studio. His work is mundane however and lacks any artifice, a subject he has been willingly ignorant of.   Recently he has been in strife with a client who has complained about his practices and expressed his disdain. He has been working savagely on new projects to redeem his status, however, he has the feeling things are about to change. He received a message from a Vencerraden aristocrat for he made dresses. Climates are changing, and the lands once teeming with Kaddites are now Al Kuliyan. Lady Zalantena is wishing to seek refuge at his guest house after her estate was destroyed.

Current Status

Tailor and artisan  



Current Residence

Bayt Alma  




Al Kuliya


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