Nazarat Ferrero



Nazarat Ferrero is a 20 year old student in the kingdom of Malagra . They are a nonbinary member of the Kaddite faith. Nazarat is currently attending school in Malagra to be a religious leader of Kada . Their parents hope for him to become a priest and eventually a council member. They are a failing student and do not wish to pursue the life their parents have set out for them. Nazarat has plans to flee Malagra and start a new life as a farmer where they can rid the societal structure of the world.  

Early Life


Nazarat comes from a very wealthy aristocratic family in Malagra. They are an only child and grew up in the capital Malagra city. Throughout their life, their identification of being nonbinary was accepted in his family and community. In the Kada religion, the people are very accepting of gender identity and sexual orientation. They were raised to always give back to the community and to use their wealth and status for good. However, they were still resentful of the social hierarchy in Tel Rialis and wished to just live a simple life.  



Nazarat is an only child to their parents Theresa and Saul Ferrero. Their father is a well respected religious leader who works mainly in the health services. He conducts many of the religious rituals and prayers used to cure and treat people with serious illnesses. Their mother is a very talented artist known for her excellent pottery skills. She studied under the mentorship of local artisans in the Malagra city area. Nazarats family was very accepting of their gender identity and they continue to support them. Nazarat’s parents wished for them to follow their father’s footsteps and continue to bring legacy to the family name in Kada. Nazarat has always been rebellious towards their parents, and they did not appreciate their parents deciding their future for them. This has caused massive amounts of stress in their relationship as a family.  



Nazarat attended primary school which is very customary, especially for someone of their economic status in Malagra. The education system in Malagra has a heavy emphasis on religion. Education is organized by the administrative side of the government, however teachers and professors tend to be those in positions of power in religion. Due to this system, and the fact that their parents wanted them to become a religious leader made Nazarat hesitant to pursue secondary education. However, they were sent to university anyway by their parents. With a lack of motivation and a sense of rebellion towards their family’s wishes for them, they began to fail classes.  



Currently a failing student, soon to drop out, Nazarat is lost when it comes to how they will support themself in the future. Growing up in wealth and power made them very resistant to society. They wish to give away all of their money and move to the poor rural areas of Malagra to work off of the land. They wish for a simple life, where they can isolate themselves from society and live a life of peace and tranquility.

Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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