Pierre Jean-Jacques

First al-kuliyah king of Doro
He demanded to always painted with some kind of a foggy halo, to show that he's close connection to the divine.  

Military Career:

At 11, against his will, he was enrolled in his father's military, he would spend the first four of those years in drilling and preparations. At 15 his father took him as a deputy lieutenant to overlook a battle between Kreasso and its Eastern neighbors. At 20 he would gain the rank of captain, and at 21, prince when his father passed away. At 40 his service to the empire earned him head general of a 40 thousand-strong battalion. One day a convict came to convince the king to send aid to Doro. Pierre Jean-Jacques, seeing an opportunity for personal gain, worked day and night to convince the emperor to assist and would end up being the one picked to go and help. He would then conquer Doro and begin the Doro conquest of large swathes of Paestoralis, and Briareos.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pierre Jean-Jacques was born to Kreasso's military nobility and came from a long line of soldier princes who became famous for producing the most brutal soldiers.  

Early abuse

When he was born, he was given a doll by his father, who would have him stab it 8 years old. At 10 years old, when his mother was discovered to be in an affair with an unknown soldier, he had executed by gun powder explosion, and made Pierre Jean-Jacques personally tie her to the stake, and pour the gunpowder. At 11 years old his father saw that Pierre Jean-Jacques had sneaked away to the local theater to watch a play with friends. For uncertain reasons, his father had an incredible hatred for all things indulgent like theatre. So he had Pierre Jean-Jacques enlist in his own army. This meant that he began physically whipping his son for any reason. His environment was entirely surrounded by military textbooks, and men, which is where he likely developed his deeply military-centric, and patriarchal worldview.


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