Queen Iliya Inés al Cruz

Iliya Inés al Cruz, daughter of Serpent's Fang, Vega Libera, and Queen of Bayt Alma is an outspoken and widely influential figure. She has equally enamored and angered wide audiences with writings on philosophy, strategy, and diplomacy, never failing to rail against inequality. In the final years of her reign, she wrote often on the necessity of peaceful relations between Kuliyans, Kaddites, and Saeno and the hypocrisies involved in the near-caste system that the Kuliyan kingdoms relied on.
  Personality wise, the Queen always lacked patience for vague or non-committal language, preferring to speak starkly- allowing poetry only in aid of witty emphasis. It may be said that patience in general, as well as typical royal decorum is rare in the court of Queen Iliya. This, as with most of her affectations, are the effects of Iliya's compassion for truth and improved quality of life for all.
  Still, she remains a controversial figure, occasionally even said to have been corrupted by evil spirits and compelled to fulfill their dark deeds- often by the men who sought to remove her from her throne.

Early Life

  Iliya Inés was born in the Royal Palace on Vencerrado's former island capital, Serpent's Fang. She was one of the many children in the al Cruz family, and like the rest of the clan, was expected to uphold the dignity of the royal name. At a young age, she showed an aptitude for writing, politics, & strategy. She was not lacking in company as a child, surrounded by people who doted on her every need, but Iliya preferred quiet study in the massive beachside gardens.
  In Iliya's eighth year, the mountaintop exploded. The volcanic eruption sent a cloud of burning ash toward the city, followed by hurtling rocks, and finally magma rivers. Most in the city died in the torrent. Iliya was one of the lucky few (though badly burned on her face and arms), along with her parents and some extended family members. None of Iliya al Cruz's siblings escaped the island on that day.
  In the aftermath, the capital of Vencerrado was shifted to Mina al Omer. Iliya would be expected to legitimize the shift of power by marrying the local noble's heir, Prince whatshisname al Omer. It was in this city that Iliya met the Vega Liberi, a small clan of nomadic people from all cultures (Kuliyan, Saeno, and Kaddite) who found acceptance in each other- outside the restrictions of religious bounds. Despite the growing friendship with Prince whatshisname and her family's vitriolic response, Iliya abdicated from her royal duties and left with this group at the age of eighteen. Letters obtained between Iliya and whatshisname indicate that the relationship continued even after her departure, though it remained strictly platonic.

Reign in Bayt Alma

  In 697, the Vega Liberi found themselves intricately involved in what started as a protest for miner's rights but quickly turned into a brutal and bloody war (see Miner's Rebellion of Bayt Alma). Iliya played an instrumental role, developing strategies and writing influential pieces to raise sympathy and funds from the nobles. In the aftermath, Iliya was named queen of Bayt Alma. Her reign has had many causes for criticism over the years. The first, perhaps, was her ascension to the throne. As a previous Kaddite region, the announcement of a Kuliyan as the ruler of Bayt Alma caused a deep disturbance, especially in rural regions where Kaddite farmers found it easier to leave than risk persecution. Additionally, the Kaddite regions surrounding Bayt Alma limited trade for a time over concerns of further conquering. These two in conjunction led to a near famine in the city, nearly causing another revolution only a few years after the last one. Furthermore, Queen Iliya made many concessions with the guilds after the Miner's Rebellion to prevent further war, hindering progress for a time.
  However, there were many important strides. Queen Iliya expanded gender & sexuality rights and formed the Queen's Guard: an elite team of all-women soldiers and spies. She also worked to develop more social services by decreeing that Bayt Alma's Kuliyan temples must serve all citizens, opening the doors for people of all religions to study and learn. Al Cruz invested in the arts and sciences, bringing trade in from Doro and Vencerrado. She never married, holding true to her vows against conventional marriage many years ago. A comment of note: after Queen's Guard Captain, Roma Genil, retired, she was named Queen Consort. Iliya and Roma eventually took on a ward. They have lived many happy years together since.
Al Kuliya


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