Sai “Slimmer”

Sai, now 17, has been an orphan on the streets of Port Lien since she was a child of ten. An urchin, borne of Saenians locked to port. They were killed in an alley. The murderers were never caught and their deaths marked a disconnect from her heritage. With no one to teach her past her current knowledge of reading, writing runes, and history, she began stealing books from the library and pickpocketing to survive. She spent her time wandering the countryside, studying what she could steal, and writing glyphs on paper that she could pilfer. For six years she grew up tough, learning of Al Kuliya through Doro’s blunt lens. Her steely calm demeanor kept her alive by keeping her ready or intimidating anyone she confronted. Despite her Saenian heritage, she possesses an aversion to the sea, a fear of the depths. This in part has led her to be a convert to Al Kuliya, but modifying her beliefs with the knowledge she held from her parent’s books. All until her eyes stopped working how they did, this was the start of her life changing dramatically.   Her life on the docks of Lien ended when her thievery left her exposed. The library had caught on and had Ben increasing security. She escaped the port town by stealing a horse and fleeing to the countryside. Riders from the Port garrison left to chase her, however, she was adept at evasion. It was the end of winter and the Inuna basin had yet to fill. Her pursuers eventually fell off with the basin filling, and she traveled along the mountain passes of Doro’s borders with Briaeros and Pastoralis.   Sai met with a Saenian caravan traveling west and learned about the land nomads of her culture. Six years on the streets left her jaded about her parents’ religion and with resentment for what she lost. Her study for years on the streets left her with an incomplete picture of artifice. The Saenians have spare lenses for her to use, and for the first time in what felt like years, she could see with precision.   The journey was peaceful until approaching Bayt Alma. Slimmer’s instincts warned her of approaching men with torches and cudgels. Bandits found her caravan and started killing her Saeno caretakers, the people scattering. She found herself running for her life, with no horse, and being chased for the second time in a year.

Current Status

Street Urchin and thief  



Current Residence 

Port Lien/Homeless  






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