Tel Rialis Board Game


  Pictured: Tel Rialis board game and scoreboard. Not pictured: game pieces and coin   This board game takes many names and various forms across the different regions of Tel Rialis. This particular form originated from Malagra City and is made from clay from the sea and and fired with a glass glaze derived from sand from Malagra's various beaches. Other forms include wood boards, metal boards, and in poorer areas even makeshift dirt boards carved into the ground.  

How to Play

  Played by two players. Each player has a game piece and they share a coin. One side on the coin depicts a 1. the other depicts a 2. Players will move their pieces forward the amount on the coin. If the players land on the same section they must both move back to the start. The horizontal piece depicts the zone of safety in which both players are permitted to land. The objective is for the players to reach the farthest square oppositive from their starting square, stepping strategically to avoid the other player. The player to reach their square first wins one point which is to be marked by a marble on the accompanying score board. The first to five wins!


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