The Dagger of Laurel Hevan

Laurel Hevan was once an infamous Saeno captain. Her ship, the Hevan, has a controversial reputation- either a vessel specializing in liberation or piracy- depending on who is asked. Laurel is perhaps most well known for her infamous three hour marriage to Bertrand Tainorè. On the night after their wedding, Laurel robbed Bertrand blind and ran off into the night. It is believed that the Hevan, during its escape from Briareos' Port Siruun, ran into a storm and sank that same night. Many artifacts from the ship washed up onto the shore, including this izavel and obsidian inlaid bronze dagger (the magical capabilities of which are still unknown). Yet, there are many who claim the Hevan still sails, emerging from the fog to terrorize sailors only to disappear afterwards, Captain Laurel still in her wedding dress.


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