The Sad Deer lodge

An inn in Pastoralis, once razed in the war, Kyle, the current owner rebuilt the lodge after he inherited the land from his father. Business is not booming, located near the seaside the innn is considered a sore by some of the younger folks in town. While only 60 years standing the inn has some history to it. It was the site of the workers rebellion, a short protest in the city which resulted in unions being formed in the city to protect some of the workers, it's also notable as one of the few inns that not only tolerate Saenoes but welcomes them. The lodge holds 22 rooms across three floors. Rooms of various sizes ranging from rooms fitted with a queen size bed, rooms with fireplaces and more.
  The first floor is equipped with a kitchen, meeting room, and a fireplace. Its bar fully stocked, its kitchen moderately stocked, nowadays duck is a luxury the lodge doesn’t have. Back in its heyday many came not to stay but rather to drink and the previous owner Steven Ricky was often the life of the party. Built in the year … the lodge was part of an effort to revitalize and improve … cities economy. Which worked well for a while but then the war came and the lodge was burned down to demoralize the city. The lodge remained a pile of cinders and ashes until Kyle Ricky the son of … rebuilt the lodge in the year …
  Like many old lodges there have been whispers of ghosts that roam the halls at night, mischievous spirits that seek to steal souls and items of value from naive sleepers. The ghost has been described as a female, her hair splayed around her as if she’s swimming, a gown of deep blue silk. Her face has been described as incredibly grotesque and incredibly beautiful by different people, But who knows? She is often preceded by the sound of a soft trumpet.


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