

The main symbols for Vencerrado are fire and ice. The fire for the volcanic activity, created by the Lokuras Rock, formerly Serpent’s Fang, and ice for its exports. The flag is mainly gray with the fang of a serpent, of one whose legends say it lives by the volcano.


  The territory of Vencerrado has a climate of extremes. The coast can be battered by violent storms that generate in the Baltasar Gulf in the rainy season, while the Guardiana mountains to the north and west create a rainshadow inland, forming grassland and desert-like conditions. Vencerrado is one of the few places on Tel Rialis that has thermal springs, geothermal activity, and fine clay within its grounds- these exist on the Northern border and the Lokuras archipelago. The island of Lokuras Rock is the largest off of Vencerrado’s coast and once held its capital, a marvel of ancient wonders. However, a volcanic eruption destroyed the city. On a clear day, the skyline can still be seen from the shore of the new capital, Mina al-Omer. Before the eruption, Mina al-Omer was a small port town under the control of the noble Al-Omer family. Since then, it has undergone rapid expansion with the help of technological advancements to befit the tastes of the new royal family. The semi-arid desert of Vencerrado is known as the Field of Fire. Despite the name, a portion of the population lives in this area in a semi-nomadic lifestyle. The area is suitable for low moisture farming, though the climate can get rather intense, reaching 100 F in the summer and 20 F in the winter.


Kaddite Conquering

The pre-Kaddite history of Vencerrado is not well known, the region consisted of a few fishing hamlets and nomadic people in the desert. Any remains of settlements were integrated when Kaddites began to occupy the region. The Kaddites established a thriving trade post in the Lokuras Archipelago, a hub for imports from North of Tel Rialis. They named this place "Serpent's Fang" after the prominent shape of the mountain at the center of the island. However, the population failed to grow quickly and remained one of the smallest cities on the peninsula. The fall of Kaddite rule in the region was a slow and painful affair, rather than a valiant last stand. Due to the poor location of the capital city in a vulnerable area and a poorly timed storm striking, stability in the region fell. Over time this led to a steady decline in population and government influence over the region. Vencerrado once again consisted of many hamlets in poor soil, reliant on fishing, with the main city area on the island chain abandoned.

Kuliyan Rise & Lokuras Rock

As the Kaddites left the region, Kuliyan influence grew. Due to the previous rulers’ relatively peaceful decline, the new government faced few issues conquering the mainland. By the time the old government had officially abandoned the island capital, Kuliyans had already established effective control over the rest of the region. They set a precedent of strong government controls and services to support the unstable region and imposed heavy taxes on those outside the Kuliyan worship. Centuries passed and the Kuliyans established a mostly stable rule. The capital flourished into a prosperous trading post and was a seat of power for the ruling family, even despite the frequent storms. Furthermore, a geological phenomenon occurring on the island and the nearby archipelago resulted in a dark crystal that could be mined and used as Acura. The clergy, however, warned that these "crystals" were indicative of a grave omen of destruction and incoming death. Those warnings would come to pass when, a little over half a century before the current day, the Serpent’s Fang erupted and turned the city below into a tomb. Reports from the mainland and refugees who were able to flee (including most of the royal family) say that the explosion came soon after a battery of storms, sending a pillar of smoke to the heavens and raining ash, burning rocks, and eventually magma onto the city.


As a result of the tragedy, the capital was shifted to the mainland- previously a small port city under the control of a local noble family. In an aim to consolidate power, a marriage deal was brokered between the ruling family's daughter and the noble family of the port's son. Though the exact details of why the deal fell through remain obfuscated, it is known that both parties objected to some extent- leading eventually to the crown princess abdicating the throne and taking her leave of the city to establish rule in Bayt Alma. The official stance of the royal house remains that the princess was bewitched and stolen away by a group of deviants living a "non-traditional" and "impious" lifestyle. The son was named crown prince in absence of any other children born to the royal family. Between the tragedy of Savior Stone and the loss of their princess, faith in the noble houses was shaken, and many citizens began flooding to the Kuliyan temples- whose once prophecy had been proven true and the Serpent's Fang was redubbed Lokuras Rock- a testament to the poor decisions of the kingdom. Since then, tensions between the church, the noble families, and the throne have only slightly diminished, and ambitious construction on expanding the new capital city has been slow. Government/Politics/Administrative divisions The Vencerradan government is influential and highly centralized. It is only for nobles to enter politics, and for them to rise or die by the machinations of others. The nobles control the territory outside of the city, including taxation and laws applicable to their territory. The monarch, currently King Something Al-Omer, controls these elements of the region not through direct control but with subtle influences by leveraging his control of the capital. As the majority landowner of the land the capital city stands on, the King has taxation and lawmaking rights over the nobles themselves.


Vencerrado's population is equally distributed among the few but prosperous port cities and the rural regions in the Guardiana mountains and the desert plateaus at their base. The ruling religion is Kuliyan, of which 78% of the population actively practices. Kaddites and Saeno make up approximately 12% and 10% of the region respectively.


The main raw export from Vencerrado is ice, brought from the mountain peak glaciers and stored via yakhchals. As the climate can be inhospitable across most of the region, the political and economic elite began devoting more funds towards the arts, artifice, and study of runes to create comfortable living spaces. This focus led them to craft marvelous artifacts that are traded to other nearby kingdoms. While many artifacts are sold, it is currently illegal to export rune-etched weapons. Because of this, other kingdoms may have larger militaries, but Vencerrado’s advanced technology gives them a unique edge.
  Vencerradan shores are rich in Obsidian, which is formed on the volcanic Lokuras Rock. Beaches on the archipelago are often covered in stones. This material is hard to work with but vital in crafting specific runes.
  There are no laws banning ownership of land, however, the mountains, the sea, and certain parts of the desert are believed to be held in common among the kingdom, and anyone from the kingdom is allowed to use it. Most other land is under the control of regional nobles already.


Post-fall of Lokuras Rock, an old port city (Mina al-Omer) has undergone rapid expansion- taking in refugees and rerouting trade routes to create a new hub. However, the new wealth generated by trade influx and the nearby obsidian also allowed for city-wide augmentation of the newest magical and technical luxuries. Obsidian-fed runes are especially efficient in increasing or decreasing thermal changes. As such, etching into city walls and new infrastructure has allowed for cooling in the summer and heating in the winter. Obsidian runes are also used in the ice trade. Ice canals have been built in and around the mountains to harvest and transport. Non-magical advances include commonly painting walls around the city white to reflect the heat, and inland settlements employ the use of yakhchals to maintain their quality of life. As a result, many homes and buildings can stay relatively cool all year round.
  In the grasslands, apiaries are common, honey is highly valued among nobles and the wealthier members of Vencerrado. Additionally, they make use of the space by cultivating crops that require less water, such as root vegetables like turnips and radishes as well as leafy greens.

Art and Culture/Media/Sports

The volcanic past of Vencerrado built a strong worship of serpents within their society. Their flag has the fang of a serpent on it. The tragedy of the island capital, though known to be a result of natural forces, is regarded with superstition. The mythological serpent, called Zenaboros, of the volcano is one that many believe favors Al Kuliya. These can be seen in many clay pots, dishes, and sculptures (a specialty of the area). Another cultural touchstone is the hydrothermal hot springs that dot the Lokuras archipelago and the Northeastern mountains. These pools draw a significant amount of tourism to the areas. While evidence for the healing properties of thermal springs is shaky at best, healers often recommend pilgrimages to the springs for all sorts of ailments.
  The recent invention of bladed shoes, combined with the unique acuras of the area has led to the invention of artificial ponds that can be frozen for ice dancing. This is a rare event and typically reserved for the wealthiest members of society but can be a marvel for visiting dignitaries.
  Shaved ice is the favorite treat of Vencerradans. Nobles have ice reserves for their desserts and parties. The ice is stored for as long as possible (using mechanical and magical means), then chipped off and topped with fruit and milk. More elaborate shaved ice may include honey. Vencerradans with access to the ports or rivers live mainly off seafood while hearty stews using the local vegetables are common among all citizens.


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