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Cath'tiarum is a hybrid species created by magic. The only known specimen of this species in the whole Altaros is Zahar, the pet and familiar of the archmage of Ivaerenor, Syolron Que'menartu. Cath'tiarum means 'Magic meadow cat' in Elvish.   How Syolron Que'menartu got his hands on one is obscure, but he has exclaimed to having done some tests on hybrid species and one experiment happened to result into his familiar Zahar. Whatever was done and However it was done, it is clear to everyone that achieving something like this was not a small feat. Some person have expressed their wishes to have a similar creature, but so far the archmage Que'menartu has denied them all, stating that creating one is not easy and it is possible that the process cannot be re-created easily, if at all. This has caused some people, mainly nobles who yearn for anything expensive and novelty, treat the archmage with certain scorn.

Basic Information


Cath'tiarum looks a lot like a mix between cat and a rabbit, or a ferret. It has four legs, a long, slender body, the face of a feline or a mustelid, long, slender ears like those of a rabbit or a bunny. They can be flobby at times, but when Cath'tiarumis alerted, it can lift them up to hear better. It also has a long, puffy tail, longer than those of a cat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is not known if the Cath'tiarum need to eat, but Syolron Que'menartu likes to feed his familiar stuff to see what it likes. So far the creature has taken a liking to both fruits and meat.


The behaviour of Cath'tiarum is very cat-like. It also wishes to be close to its owner and sometimes push things off shelves and other platforms.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The eyes of this creature are deep, rich blueish purple without a visible iris nor pupil. Its eyes seem to be filled with the universe and look at you and nowhere at the same time. This makes people easily uncomfortable.

Average Intelligence

The Cath'tiarum seem to be highly intelligent and if not on the level of humans, very close to it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Cath'tiarum seem to have an exceptional perception, both physical and magical. Its hearing seems to be excellent and it is highly likely that the creature can also sense magic in some way.
Fey, possibly extraplanar and/or elritch
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The only known Cath'tiarum in Altaros is pure snow white with medium-long, soft fur. It does not have any markings.
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