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Being a gravedigger is something people do not usually want to become, due to their close connection to death. The common people tend to be cautious around a gravedigger, mainly because common people do not understand how magic around the death works and they tend to think that if you are a gravedigger you become tarnished. The Gravedigger, however, is the backbone of the community, because without them the deceased of the community would not get their final, peaceful rest.



One does need to have a strong will to help and be able to handle themselves around corpses. One can become a gravedigger if they don't have magic, and often in smaller communities the gravediggers tend to be normal, non-magical people. In bigger cities, though, the gravediggers are often clerics of deities of death or grave domain, and in some cases necromancers. It is a benefit, if people who handle corpses have some magic, because it makes sure that it is easier to spot if something is wrong with the corpses in a magical way.

Payment & Reimbursement

The gravedigger is an important person in any village, and often they get reimbursed for their troubles with money or in smaller villagers with other stuff like food or firewood. In bigger city the gravedigger is often a priest or cleric and thus get their payment from their temple or church.

Other Benefits

The gravedigger, even if it is not the most popular profession, does have its benefits: The gravediggers are feared and rarely anyone dares to cross them, because they have more guts than normal people when they can handle the dead. They do get recognition and in many human settlements it is customary to thank the gravedigger for their service during any social gathering or event, often by giving the gravedigger or the temple they serve some offerings and gifts. The usual gifts include food, money, clothing, and other faily necessities. Sometimes also trinkets and mementos that are fitting for the deity the gravedigger serves.


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