Laronian Ethnicity in Altaros | World Anvil
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The people who have called Larona home are many and they have done so from even before Larona became the capital city of Leikomeron. From the days of Lausonian Empire, Laronians have taken pride of their green planes and curving coastline.

Laronians are mostly humans, but they also have many Dragonborns, whose ancestros originally immigrated from Bharinn Thar. They take pride of thefirst mentions of laronians as an ethnicity dating even before The Turbulence.

Naming Traditions

Family names

A dragonic influence can be observed in many of the most common surnames, but the harshest conconants have usually softened a little. One easy way to determine if a name is a local one is if the name ends in either i or a, often accompanied with a consonant, like the name of the current ruling family, Family Zeciri.