Riffin Steadysword
He's a human mercenary who got tricked by a mage and now has a coin-looking thing stuck in his hand. It seems to be enchanted somehow and giving him magical powers he didn't have before.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
He hails from the continent of Madovar and he had a family he helped to feed working as a sellsword. Things went fine in most part, until he did a gig for a mage, who refused to pay him immediately for the work he had already done. So, taking matters into his own hands, he snatched an expensive looking round object he thought was a coin, but was caught by the mage. The coin embedded into his hand, perhaps a some kind of a punishment, he was able to flee. He didn't want any problems with the high level mage going after his family, so he fled the country and headed north in search of some kidn of cure, but growing more and more desperate during the time, as the odd coin started to make him sick.
Titus Skysong saved him, when he was contemplating on jumping off an airship to end his misery.