Session 42: The Abandoned manor part IV Report Report in Altaros | World Anvil
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Session 42: The Abandoned manor part IV Report

General Summary

The stay in the labyrinth-like manor turned out to be a long one and not without peril. The dust laid on the undisturbed floors and furniture like a thick blanket of ash. It had been decades since this place had seen its better days and even though there were signs of some people coming in, perhaps lured by the promise of riches and treasure, the further Titus Skysong and his entourage wandered, the more obvious it became that people had left in hurry and most of the things were still left intact if they had been secured by arcane or even just mundane locks.   "I think the chair looks hungry", noted one of the group, just before a mimic attacked them. The ravenous chair was subdued swiftly, but not without some damage suffered. The hungry chair seemed to be especially keen on having a bite of Amalzar Do'ath and the boy was not delighted about it.
The Legend Of A Skysong
Titus Skysong
Level 5 Human Chaotic Neutral Bard/Cleric
/ 29 HP
Report Date
28 Dec 2023


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