The Night of the Snowbirds
The Night of the Snowbirds is a tradition often associated with the Humans living in Northern Aberronia, from where the tradition has spread to other parts of the continent due to the country's great influence on world politics and traditions.
The beginning of such tradition is unknown, but it is thought that it has roots in old folktales and beliefs. Every race has its own ideas on the beginnng of such tradition, but it seems to be most widely accepted to be of human origin, or at least the people celebrating it most commonly are humans.
On the day of the snowbirds, people gather on a nearby large field or clearing and build snow statues; most commonly birds and other winged creatures. It is thought that when people wish for something very badly when they build the snow figures, the snow figures will come alive at midnight and take the wishes to the gods - to which gods and entities, is completely up to the region the festival is held.
Components and tools
Common folk, peasant and farmers. The Night of the Snowbirds is especially very important for children.
The time varies from year to year and place to place, as the festivities are arranged when its noticed for the first time that winter that the snow crust can support a walking person.
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