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The Scribes of Truth

The Scribes of Truth is a organization concerned about corruption in the ruling elite circles of mainly human countries in Madovar. After the fall of Lausonian Empire a new organization was founded, which should not have had ties to any newly founded country or their ruling elite, so it could be at least somewhat neutral organization.   Nowadays the Scribes of Truth, or the Quills as they are commonly known, is an organization whose members are both minstrels and persons knowledgeable about administration. Many ruling people like to have a member of the Quills in their court or close by, because they can be very useful in diplomatical matters, too.

Public Agenda

The Quills try to expose corruption in the ruling elite and help the ordinary man. They also teach, write and spread news around the countries. They also have established a bard college, which is very well regarded. The college is one of the few ways for the ordinary people to get some bardic teaching. The college is located in Sebizar, in Blue Yasmaria. The Quills also support the ones who do not have enough money or means and often teach important skills, like to read and write, to the poor. The skills of reading and writing are very important to the Quills, because ignorant people are easier to trick.


The Quills were formed by a group of likeminded people after the fall of Lausonian Empire. Slowly and surely during the years the organization began to grow and it currently has around 100 to 200 members.

The Quill and Ink, black on white

Founding Date
13 TAT
Alternative Names
The Quills
Related Species
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Aug 30, 2024 13:41

love this, having a neutral news organization is truly important and one of the best ways to fight corruption