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Colbolt Artillery-Mage

Whithin The The Blood Artisan's Mercenary Company Cobolt is thier 5th ranked warriors. Artillry-Mages in this rank are a mix of support/midrang attack mage. their offten put in advetages possions to strick or flank emeny lines behind standered calvory and front line defence or provide stratigic cover fire like archers to enable nesseary withdrawl. Out side of combat this spisific rank if not instructed to do otherwise for speashale magic is tasced with supply runs and manully grunt work.   Solders in the Colbolt Artillery-Mage Rank out-Rank solduers in the Ash rank altogether, Colbolt Gaurd solders are standered Colbolt Infultry. This Rank is out ranked by every other Rank.
Civic, Military, Generic


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