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Helm of Tolic

Fabled Helm (requiers Attument with the the Blessing of a dragon lord, for 5th level and Higer abilites)   Cures of BloodLetting. After whereing this Helm, if the wearer dose not have a dragon lords Bloodline the following rest they must succseed a DC: 21 con save or Bleed perfusly from the poors of there skin suffring from 1d6 - Con Exostion and lossing that many hitdice untill the corasponding level of Exsation is retaied. If a Creature losses all of its hit dice this way all the blood leaks from their bood and they die.   While Simply Wearing this Helm your weapon attacks deal an addinale 1d10 necrotic dameage and every time you slay with a weapon attack a creature you can expend any number of hit dice to regain health instaly.   Kerin's Gift. 5th level (requiers attument) if you would be reduced pass 0 hitpoints, your hit points becomes equale to a roll a 1D10. This ability can be used a number of times equal to your Constution modifyer per rest. When this ability is triggered every creature within 60ft of the wearer must make a DC:15 Con save or Take 1d10 Necrotic Dameage.    Set Bounes 1/3 if also Attuned to Kerin's Mantale, Kerin's Gift grates the wearer invisabilty upon trigger and the condition ends if the wearer takes damege, casts a spell or takes the Attack Action.
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