BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Octavia Eviticus, Tavy

  I followed a template to help with doing her background but here is that. [10:15 AM] • What is their name? Do they have a nickname? Octavia Eviticus. Tavy. mainly only her family calls her this.   • How old is your character? How old do they look? Being a Gnome and able to live longer than most kinds she is 85 years old. Although she is what most would call "old" she looks only to be in her mid 30s.   • What kind of family dynamic does your character come from? She is the 8th born of her siblings causing her to have the name given to her of Octavia. Her family runs a shop in Fallcrest where the tinker and help make tons of interesting artifacts.   • What is your family’s social status /standing? They are a well known family and very much loved in their town. The shop ( The Tinkered Tomb) has many visitors daily. Only run by Octavia's Father and 7 siblings after she left to adventure.   • What is your character’s basic appearance? A mechanical functional left arm made by her and her father 32 pounds 3' foot Dark green short curly hair Dark brown almost black eyes   • What are your character’s emotional characteristics? She lets curiosity get the best of her. Wanting to gain as much knowledge as she can about tinkering and making things the best she can. Because of this she has a hard time saying no to things or venturing in places she shouldn't. She is very kept to herself but also won't take crap from anyone. [10:15 AM] • What is your character’s alignment? Neutral good   ● Does your character follow a God? Gond was the Faerûnian god of craft, smithing, and inventiveness. The Lord of All Smiths had many forms and names, and under all of them pushed for innovation and imaginativeness, sometimes to a dangerous degree, as a result of his short-sighted desire to create   ● What lengths would your character go to in order to defend this deity? Octavia would never do anything to go against Gond's ways. She would love to prove to anyone that artifice can outdo magic.   • What personality quirks does your character have? Due to the fact that when Octavia was on her past adventure and got badly injured by someone using magic to heal her. She deeply hates magic being used. The incident being when someone tried to heal her broken arm the magic they used casted wrong and completely removed her left arm.   • Does your character have any nervous habits? Randomly starts to tinker random items if she is stressed or under pressure.   • Does your character have any hobbies or special skills? Anything and everything you need Tinkered or made she can make in just a few hours sometimes minutes.   • How does your character get along with others? She is pretty down to earth unless you piss her off somehow she holds grudges and will bring up past things you did for ages if she didn't agree with it.   • A secret that they keep from everyone else. Why do they keep it? That she has a slight drinking problem if she is stressed. She will go into hiding and drink. She never drinks around others. She feels shame if others find out.   • What is your character’s greatest strength? That she can make anything you need to the highest quality. [10:15 AM] What are they most afraid of and why? Use of healing magic due to what happened.   • Where does your character go when they seek peace? Anywhere that is dark and quite. If available caves or just a dark room will do.   • How does your character handle their alcohol? She doesn't handle it well do to the fact she is so small. Which is why she trys not to drink alot.   • Describe your character’s first physical fight. She tried not to be a fighter but in this Circumstance she had to. A kobold entered the shop and tried to steal something. So she fought him off and now the shop has a "no kobold allowed" sign   • What is something someone would remember about your character after meeting them in a tavern or shop? Her willingness to make anything for them on the spot and try to show off her talents.   • Who trained your character? Her mother died when Octavia was "young" leading her father to become the main one that trained her. But her siblings also helped with making her the best of the best.   • Why does your character seek adventure? She felt that she has been trapped to long in the shop and wants to share her talents with as many people as she can.   ●Does your character have any tattoos? On her left arm she has carved clockwork gears.   • Does your character have a historically prominent ancestor or relative? If you count her family being the most well known and visited shop in Fallcrest then yes. Every single member of her family past and present has only worked at that shop for years and years and years.   • Does your character have any specific ambitions? It doesn’t matter what you use the armor for, as long as it is of the greatest quality. Beyond that, she wants the world to see that artifice can outdo magic, given the right smith and a good set of raw materials.   • What would your character like to be remembered for after their death? as the best damn artificer there ever was!


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