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Orders From T.L. 8/14/3791

Mikey Korbcyzkski,

Let me begin with a congratulation for an order carried out well. It is to my understanding that you found and freed the better half of Kinku village as well, that will prove useful.
Now if you are reading this letter, I must assume you've successfully helped The Rabbit Stuffer liberate your superior Virgil Larkron and have escorted him to The Marsh with The Rabbit Stuffer’s clan. You are not to follow Virgil any farther, Instead your obligation In The Marsh will be to deal with House Knud’s smuggling operation. Our Spies Believe it to be within an abandoned manor house on the outskirts of town.
It would be too risky to Head Hunt the Nobleman Knud, However he is a member of the town’s counsel and I would suspect trickable into disclosing further details. If this becomes your approach, do not disclose your affiliations or cause discourse in The Marsh as it is the most profitable smuggling port near Trogfall or the Perlestent City.
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