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A I: Equivalan “Corporeal Form”

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

Equivalan “Corporeal Form”
The Demon of Balance of Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise

Race / Species: Demon
Age of Origin: Unable to determine
Birth Month: While the exact time of this Demon's manifestation isn't known, rumors speak about his first discovery on the Lands in the earlier years, during the month of Decay, while others even suspect for him to also have been around way before Narcana's Throne War of Origin Race
Settlement / Habitat: Bound to the talisman he possesses, Equivalan cannot roam the Lands as he pleases, but rather ends up wherever other beings take his talisman and him
Height: 1,60 meters when showing himself to his wearer in his corporeal form
Fate: Undecided


Hair / Fur / Scales: none
Eyes: a single dark yellow eye, placed vertically in the center of his face
Other features: a body seemingly made of shadows and covered up completely by a unique dark brownish cloak, the cloak he is wearing appears to be perfectly divided down the middle with one half looking neat and as good as new while the other half appears worn down and torn, his face is covered by both a hood and a black and white spiraled mask that only shows his single vertical eye in the center, the only body part that does not appear to be made of a shadowy mist are his hands, which based on the half of his cloak appear as a perfectly fine humanoid hand on one side while the other is a heavily decayed skeletal remain of what was once a hand


  • judgmental
  • unforgiving
  • cold and emotionless
  • always demands a self-judged equivalent for both his wearers fortune and misfortune
  • can possibly be bargained with when it comes to balancing out fortune and misfortune

  • Special Abilities and Channeling Capacity:

    Channeling Capacity: unclear
  • able to directly influence the fate of his wearer, trading fortune for misfortune and vice versa, although the direct method as to how the Demon of Balance is able to do this remains unclear
  • if the Demon's talisman is worn for too long, Equivalan will be able to continue his influence on his wearers fate, even if they no longer wear the talisman
  • only able to be seen by those whose fate he controls

  • Relationships:

    close Family: the closest to a family relation the Demon of Balance has are the other 4 great Demons of Narcana
    close Friends: to Equivalan, the concept of friendship means disregarding balance due to potential favoritism, and is therefore something he greatly despises
    Love Interest: to Equivalan, the concept of love means disregarding balance due to potential favoritism, and is therefore something he greatly despises
    Rivals / Enemies: Equivalan does not appear to have any direct rivals or enemies, as the only thing he despises is imbalance, which if sensed within his wearers fate he will simply readjust, based on his own judgement

    Additional Insights:

    With the Demon's true origin remaining unknown, as well as his possession of powers able to directly change the course of one's fate itself, many belief for Equivalan to have once been a God of Destiny. Before he fell from grace and turned into a great Demon, forcing the other deities to seal him away inside of an unbreakable stone. And prevent him from being able to freely abuse his powers.
    Whether or not this belief is true, however, cannot be accurately stated. As any records of the Ancient Times were lost long ago to the flames and time itself.
    All that is known for certain is that as one of the 5 great Demons of Narcana, Equivalan is an entity that is best to be avoided at all costs.
    Since his powers are even able to potentially surpass those of the Great Spirits.
    *Age of Origin refers to the Character's age when they first appeared or will appear in a story, and what age they are in their profile image.

    **Fate refers to if the Character already has a predetermined destiny.
    With Undecided meaning that It's still open what will happen to them, whilst Written in Stone means certain outcomes, like death for example, are already decided on.
    If the story telling about their significant fate gets published, Written in Stone will be changed to a more detailed description of their experienced fate.


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