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A I: Hollow Skulls

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

Hollow Skulls
Crawling Nightmares of Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise


Like many other parasitic lifeforms native to the Living Decay, Hollow Skulls are believed to originate from the arcanic energies that are absorbed by the hard fleshed bark of Fuahng's Hollow Tree. Where they once crawled out of in swarms, before widely infesting the flooded forests of the swamp.

Current Habitat:

Believed to actually depend on the highly poisonous air that flows through the Living Decay, Hollow Skulls are exclusively found crawling through this toxic swamp environment.
Unlike most other araneas, Hollow Skulls do not build webs but are mostly seen lurking in between the thicket of bushes and trees, or sometimes also inhabit the many dark caves of the Living Decay to hunt fresh prey or rest.

Average Size / Height:

Counting their whole body plus legs, Hollow Skulls average a diameter of around 20 centimeters when fully grown.


As a unique type of sanguivore, Hollow Skulls mainly feed on the oxygen rich blood of still living beings by forcefully anchoring their two dominant fangs into the major arteries of their prey.
If their hunts remain unsuccessful for an extended period of time, they are also said to occasionally resort to consuming different kinds of plants or carrion found within the Living Decay. Although this type of feeding can only sustain them for so long, as a diet without fresh blood would still lead to starvation.

Physical Appearance:

Similar to most other araneas, the body of a Hollow Skull consists of a simple structure with an oval cephalothorax, eight spindly and oblong legs stemming from it, as well as an oval-shaped abdomen.
The body of a Hollow Skull is mainly colored in a pale black, with faintly visible dark green to brownish lines forming unique and unidentifiable patterns across their abdomen.
What makes the Hollow Skull truly stand out from other araneas is, like the name suggests, its seemingly hollowed out head. As their cephalothorax is completely covered in roughly 0,5 to 1 centimeter diameter holes. Which are believed to not only house a plethora of pitch-black eyes, hidden within these holes to give the Hollow Skull an almost 360° vision, but also a highly advanced respiratory system, able to even filter out the most toxic gases.
Furthermore, the cephalothorax of a Hollow Skull also appears to have around 3 horn like and equally perforated shapes on its upper side, believed to enhance its vision while hiding in dense leafage. And two rather prominent, 4 centimeter long fangs for penetrating the skin and feeding on a vast variety of different creatures.

Behavior and Social Structure:

As active and solitary hunters, Hollow Skulls appear to be rather aggressive and territorial towards others of their kin.
When coming across one another, they would often try to intimidate each other by lifting up their four front legs as high as they can and spread out their large fangs.
If neither of them is intimidated by the other, they would then simply start to engage in a turf war until one either flees or dies.
Hollow Skulls are also able to reproduce entirely on their own and without a mate, which often appear to happen in certain intervals once they have anchored themselves onto prey and started to feed on their blood.
They do not lay eggs but give life birth through their many holes in their cephalothorax, with their newborns immediately fleeing from their mother and becoming independent the moment they crawl out.
When coming across other, larger creatures or adventurers, Hollow Skulls appear to be mostly passive and observant at first.
They mostly just hide in the nearby thicket of trees and bushes, or the shadows of their cave, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike fast and unseen.
If they do happen to get spotted by another creature before they are able to strike, they would simply run away and hide in another spot before continuing to observe their potential prey.

Role in the Food Chain:

As predators who mainly feast on the blood of still living creatures, Hollow Skulls do not hunt with the intention to kill, but rather try to find prey they can easily anchor themselves to and feed of like a parasite. Which makes the Boghogs of the Living Decay their most promising prey, due to their passive and uncaring nature.
That however does not mean that they not also prey on other creatures or even adventurers, but given their rather fragile bodily structure, trying to latch onto anything intending to fight back would most likely just end up in them being crushed.
For adventurers or settlers of the Living Decay, it is highly advised to always apply a special ointment designed to repel Hollow Skulls before going to sleep, as they do seem to be able to understand that sleeping prey cant fight back.

Special Abilities and unique Physical Traits:

Hollow Skulls are believed to be able to filter out even the slimmest amounts of oxygen from the most toxic air.
They appear to be able to do this through a highly advanced respiratory system, spread out through their entire cephalothorax. Where they take in large amounts of air through the many holes that are spread throughout their forms, whilst also immediately filtering and expelling any harmful substance right after, to only allow oxygen to enter their system.
This extremely potent filtration however also makes the Hollow Skull heavily dependent on the poisonous and impure air of the Living Decay. As breathing in any normal air would quickly lead to a quite harmful exposure to pure oxygen, ironically turning clean air more toxic than poisonous gases.
Furthermore, a mysterious occurrence was also being observed where if a Hollow Skull has anchored itself onto its prey, the arcanic energy around it would slightly increase in both amount and purity. With the exact reason as to why remaining unknown.

Additional Insights:

Whilst the bite of a Hollow Skull may not be dangerous by itself, having their fangs enter one's bloodstream would almost definitely lead to a Blood Pest infection. Due to the toxic substances, a Hollow Skull constantly wanders through.
Now while most creatures native to the Living Decay appear to be immune to this disease, to any being from outside, this condition would lead to certain death if left untreated.
It is therefore highly advised for any adventurer deciding to head into the Living Decay to take proper precautions and always carry enough antidotes.


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