Rhinnom Dannihyr Character in Alternate Faerûn | World Anvil

Rhinnom Dannihyr

Rhinnom Dannihyr was the leader of the Shadow Thieves as well as a member of Amn's government, the Council of Six.


Rhinnom used magic to maintain his youthful appearance, despite being a mortal man of well over a century in age (132 years). As well as looking young and dashing, he was also well-muscled.



Rhinnom played a dangerous game, but one he was confident he could win at, by keeping the fact that he was a member of the Council of Six a secret from the Shadow Thieves. His goal was to move up through the ranks of the Council of Six and become its Meisarch, which would give him control over Amn's courts, but rather than deliberately engineering that promotion, he decided to bide his time and see if it would happen naturally.



Rhinnom's children had lived and died within in his lifetime. His closest living relative in 1370 DR was his grandson, Mikaal Dannihyr, himself an aging man who believed his grandsire was long dead.



Rhinnom was born into the Dannihyr merchant family in Eshpurta around 1238 DR. He started off his illustrious career learning wizardry at the School of Wonder in southern Amn but decided that the Art was not what he wished to focus on, instead becoming a spy and thief.


He joined the Shadow Thieves in the Year of the Manticore, 1280 DR, rising through the guild's ranks to the position of Guildmaster of Spies in Athkatla until, in Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, Rhinnom took advantage of the power vacuum caused by the Time of Troubles, which killed the entire Shadow Council, to ascend to the position of Grandmaster of Shadows through murder and blackmail.


In the Year of the Helm, 1362 DR, Grandmaster Dannihyr engineered the Council Schism within Amn's Council of Six that resulted in the deaths of the Pommarch, the Meisarch, and the Namarch. He convinced the surviving three Councillors to appoint him as Iltarch in exchange for not revealing the secrets that he'd learned about them to the public.


In Eleint of the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, Rhinnom embarked on yet another intrigue, approaching Lord Pehllus Tanislove, Dahaunarch of the Council of Six, and the Pommarch, Tyrda Q'Helvor, to install Lord Tanislove as the King of a reconstituted Amnian monarchy. Tanislove was a descendant of the original royal family of Amn, the Torlath Dynasty, as well as a member of the Knights of the Shield and, combined with his wife's holdings, owned about ten percent of Amn's private land in addition to being in charge of Amn's military thanks to his seat on the Council. The three Councillors and their allies rallied numerous merchant families to their cause and planned to enact their coup by Ches of the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR. Somehow though, their plans did not come to fruition, and the status quo was maintained.
