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Firbolgs do not have a city state, usually live in forests across the planet in small villages. It is not known how they got so widespread. Will occasionally turn up near a forest or remote city state to trade. No known permanent city or large town of Firbolgs exists. It is believed that once a village reaches a certain size they abandon it and travel outward. Firbolg writings and details are rare and not much is understood about them.   For Firbolg characters you can use the specific notes below for what you know but non-firbolgs do not have common knowledge of these facts.  

Basic Information


Ffirbolgs are tall large humanoids with a mix of humanoid features and are not primates like humanoids. They have features common to humanoids, bilateral symmetry, two arms and legs, but only 4 fingers and two broad toes. Their teeth are bicuspids and they do not have incisors or canines. Their noses are split similar to a dear or bovine.

Biological Traits

Firbolgs have extra lobes in their brain that provide a level of psychic powers and innate sorcery on a limited level that have evolved in their evolution. First they can read emotions and intentions of animals very easily, and can pick up similar signals in plants and make observations other creatures can not. They have a chameleon ability that allows them to appear invisible to other living beings. They can manipulate this psychic ability to look different to beings that look at them, hiding their features and look like similar humanoids. Firbolgs have three stomachs to digest and break down cellulose and vegetable matter.

Genetics and Reproduction

Firbolgs reporoduce sexually and give live birth. The baby can walk as soon as it is born. Gestation is period of 6 months. However females and males are in heat once every 10 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Firbolgs are born able to walk, and are deeply imprinted on their mother and follow her around constantly for the first 3 or 4 years. As they develop they become more adventuresome and will travel around in groups exploring their areas. They however cannot speak until age 7, so they are good listeners and use sign language to express themselves. Firbolgs become mature at age 20 and then begin their heat cycle.

Ecology and Habitats

Firbolgs are exclusively forest dwellers, and have been found in habitat ranging from  arctic forests to tropical forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Firbolgs are complete vegetarians and cannot digest meat. Their diet consists of tubers, legumes, grains, fruits, berries, mushrooms and can eat bark. They can eat grass but a last result as it doesn't contain enough nutrients. They can eat honey and drink alcohol.

Biological Cycle

Firbolgs begin to develop innate psychic abilities that allow them to make their way through their environment and evade predators and learn which plants and fungi they can eat. Their bodies go through a 10 year sexual cycle, for 9 years they are impossible to arouse, then for a 9 to 13 month period they are in heat and will be driven to find a mate.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Firbolgs are heard animals and have two major components, the Stags and the Mothers. Stags are elder male leaders who make defensive and offensive choices for the village. The Mothers are elder and younger wise females who run the day to day operation of the village and both leadership groups are equal. They moot once a month to determine policy of the village, and they will moot if there are any emergencies.   The herd is more like a large extended family and firbolgs don't have permanent houses and they gather in various long houses, tents and nooks in the village. They see everyone in the village as their extended family and an attack on one is seen as an attack on all of them.

Facial characteristics

Firbolg faces are heavy set, with deep set eyes and brows and broad chins with large mouths. They have pointy ears and manes of hair and some have beards. they have furry skins with short guard hairs. Ears often have fur and hair sticking out.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Because Firbolgs are disinterested in forming a civilization or great powers their presence is often hard to detect. Add that they can actively go unseen and undetected means they could be more common but no one has seen them. Known locations are Origin Island, Grand Campo, Ungart Vastness, and the Mende Minor, and Salmagundi. They are very widespread.

Average Intelligence

Firbolgs are of similar intelligence type as humans but their brain structure and development makes them more observational and less reliant on vocal communication.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Firbolgs have heightened smell and hearing. They have large pointy ears that can rotate to focus on sound. Their vision is similar to human, but they may not see as many colors.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Firbolg need symbiotic bacteria to breakdown cellulose and vegetable matter. If they get very sick and have high fevers, or are poisoned there is a chance this bacteria will be killed. They have some knowledge of this and keep a special "Milk" with healers in cases of this happening. Adventurers who are gone from the heard run the risk of being sick and slowly starve until this bacteria grows back which without the milk will take months.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Firbolgs don't have names, but will make up one when they deal with outsiders. They have titles for their positions in the heard, and when they leave that position or change they take that as their name.

Beauty Ideals

Firbolgs love nature and find technology and machinery ugly. They dislike stonework and built up cities, but are fascinated just the same.

Gender Ideals

Males and females are very much given equal weight for their opinions and what they want to do, and day to day work is shared. The difference in defense. Males are the decision makers for the defense of the village, and Females on how the village is run. Females will fight as directed by the Stags and the men will work in the village per the direction of the Mothers.

Courtship Ideals

During their heat cycle males become aggressive and short tempered with other males, especially around others in the heat too. Females will become much more direct and outright flirtatious with males in heat and try to draw attention to themselves. they will pair off and mate. If the female becomes pregnant she falls out of heat in a few days. Males will be in heat for 12 to 14 months and may mate with several females.

Relationship Ideals

Males may father several children from different mothers and will spend time each day with each. They will take it on themselves to raise them with what ever skills he can impart to them and be there to help them with any problems or concerns.

Average Technological Level

Firbolgs are non technical, they wear clothing made of buckskin, make stone and wood weapons, make their villages out of wood an thatch. they practice agriculture and forestry and have an excellent understanding of biology and ecology from observation. They dislike magic items, cyphers, relics and technology in general. The Mothers and the Stags are usually druids or sorcerers, and that magic they trust.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Firbolg sign language: All Firbolg learn sign language when they are children. They retain and use it throughout adulthood. It allows them to communicate silently in the forest or while hidden. Sign language is so common they may gesture while speaking other languages.   Elvish: The most common language of the Firbolg is elvish. Their writing is in elvish and they speak it with a thick accent so pronunciation may confuse some elvish speakers. This bolsters the notion they come from some Elf world.   Common: Firbolgs speak common, though they may not be literate in it.


no one knows what world they are from, they may have hitched on the vehicles of one of the other star faring nations. Many believe they may have been picked up by the elves. Firbolgs have only elvish writing.   when the ship crashed the Firbolgs scattered and it's not known how they got so wide spread. It is believed they may have used their abilities to stow away on various lifters and vehicles. There innate strength meant they could traded passage for labor.   Because they can easily slip away very soon the various settlers lost track of them, but had their own problems to deal with so they ignored the diaspora of Firbolgs. It is believed they just walked and walked over the last several thousand years to spread as much as they have.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Firbolgs are territorial once they settle down, they do not like rival beings or monsters in their territory and will try their best to persuade them to leave, or using overwhelming force to drive them out. As such they are not normally friendly, but they are not automatically aggressive. They prefer to watch hidden and then assess how to proceed. They will avoid violence but are not afraid to use it if they see the interlopers can not be negotiated with.   Elves have an easier time negotiating with Firbolgs as they have a common language and ecological values.


500 years
Average Height
7'-0" to 8'-6" tall
Average Weight
240lb to 300lb
Average Physique
Firbolg are very strong for their size, they are have strong bones and muscle groups and their back has a hump that acts like a mast to apply more muscle mass on.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Firbolg flesh is usually pink to dark tan, their short body fur is anywhere from brown to grey with a bluer tone. Their mane and beard hair is often blond to black and may have various pattern and colors.


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