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The lizardfolk dislike colder climes and they are mostly found in the jungles in the equatorial zone and have formidable city states deep in those jungles along the rivers. Most ports around the Arolend Sea and the Meridian Sea have a number of lizardfolk present. Lizardfolk dislike arid and dry locations but will tolerate them.   The Soki Culture which is lizardfolk centric is a polyglot with humanoids living with them. Known for astronomical and mathematical research their calendars and almanacs are sought after. Adventurers could be explorers, traders, sailors, seekers, diplomats out to see the world. There are smaller populations of Lizardfolk not living in Soki areas but they are small clans who may follow the cultural norms of their area or live as nomads with their own set of norms.   Lizardfolk do eat dead sentient creatures, their cultural norms and biology allow them to do so. However the vast majority of their diet is from animals similar to goats, sheet, pigs and insects.  

Basic Information


Scaly humanoids with webbed and clawed hands and feet, heads will have frills with various colors. They have pointed faces with flat noses, no ears, eyes have multiple membranes for lids. They have tails that reach can be as long as their bodies in some individuals, but most end mid calf.

Biological Traits

Lizardfolk primary advantage is their ability to breath underwater for a limited time. For about an hour they can use their air breathing lungs to process water for oxygen. This however is very inefficient and it is tiring to the creature and they will need to surface for a short rest to get their blood oxygen levels up again. They can drown if they are knocked unconscious and spend too much time underwater. They cannot go very deep, anything over 200' will be too cold for them to tolerate.   Because they continue to grow as they age height is the best indicator of age.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk reproduce with eggs that hatch in clutches. The eggs usually need to incubate for 2 months before they are ready to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lizardfolk grow rapidly after hatching, going from hand sized and about 10 oz. to 14" long and 10lb in two weeks. After that initial rapid growth they take about a year to walk and then become adolescents at age 8 and are adults at age 14. They grow their entire lives but much slower after adulthood, but on average about 1/4" per year, by the time they reach old age they may have grown almost a foot in height.

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk are cold blooded and require warm temperatures to remain healthy. They dislike cold climates and prefer jungle and swamp as they are fully amphibious. They can tolerate hot deserts so long as they have a supply of water, and they can tolerate some colder temperatures if they have warm clothes and fires they can periodically warm next to.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are primarily carnivores and prefer cooked meat, but will gladly eat raw and cannibalistic meals too. Lizardfolk can not eat grains, tubers, but can eat fungi, insects, seaweeds and algae.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Often have distinctive scale colors and patterns around their faces and their eyelids thick and spiked.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Equatorial jungle and swamp zones preferred. Can live in temperate climes but may migrate or need to stay indoors during winter months.

Average Intelligence

Lizardfolk have human level intelligence but it is wholly alien in emotional outlook. They are not creatures of passion or fear. They have no empathy or connection. They have however a deep need to survive and see others as a means, asset or partner to that end.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lizardfolk have human ranges of vision, but can see underwater clearly. They have a better sense of smell but poorer hearing. They have a sense of taste they can use their forked tongue taste the air around them and know if something is dead or poisonous without touching it.


60 years
Average Height
At age 14 they will be on average 5'-7", by age 60 they may be 6'-6". Their frill can add another foot depending on the individual.
Average Weight
150 lbs to 225 lbs, older specimens may be 300 lbs.
Average Length
6'-0" to 8'-0"
Average Physique
Lizardfolk are bulky and strong, they have no fat on them but lots of scales and muscle.
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