Mutants in Alterra Setting
An effect of the breakdown of the machines and technologies of the ancients are many rays, chemicals, nanites and other compounds that create mutations. Either as diseases developed during exposure, or as a result of mutations at birth. Characters as mutants are covered in the Arcana of the Ancients p.130.
If you want to play a character who has a mutation there will need to be some background lore and rolls on the mutation charts on p.131-137. What I will allow are the following
- 2 beneficial.
- 3 beneficial and 1 harmful.
- 1 powerful and 1 harmful.
- 1 distinctive, 1 beneficial and 1 harmful.
- 1 powerful, 1 distinctive, and 1 harmful.
- A character can have 2d4 maximum cosmetic mutations.
Transmission & Vectors
Mutations are a common side effect of the dangers of cyphers, hot zones and wastelands affected by the breakdown of these devices. Some are because they work but have results not intended. Such as repair the body but the instructions for the device is to repair alien bodies so they twist and mutate a humanoid.
Some mutations may become carried and transmitted to children, and any clones of the character. Mutations are permanent conditions, and even healing will heal the mutant flesh to it's current form not the former.
Radiation, nanites, chemicals, alone or in combination can have powerful permanent effects.
Technology of the ancients is powerful and complete and changes could occur instantaneously, or subtlety rewrite the character's DNA and it will gradually appear over a few months.
No non-magical treatment would exist to return the character to a previous state their genetics have been hard coded to this new form. Exposure to other mutagens would probably only add other mutations. A wish spell is probably the only recourse. Removing the affected area and replacing with Iron Flesh is another, radical option.
Affected Groups
Any race can become a mutant or be born with a mutation.
Hosts & Carriers
Most mutations are recessive genes and can skip generations or not appear in children until later in life. Instantaneous mutants are usually victims of their environment or circumstances.
Being aware of cyphers and hot zones and avoiding breaking them or entering hot zones is the most effective means to avoid mutation. However that is not always possible and few possess Protctive Clothing effective enough to work in a hot zone for long.
Mutations are not infectious, but they can be passed along to children.
The first mutations began to appear after the Explosion of Engine 11, though most of the personnel on site where killed, contaminants floated east on the wind and many towns began to get affected by mutations, and have mutant children.
mutants are rare as most die in birth, and all told probably less than 1/4% of the population has mutations directly attributed to cypher malfunctions.
The area around the ship is now a wasteland and hot zones spread all over the vicinity for at least a dozen miles around.
Cultural Reception
Mutants are generally feared as diseased or cursed and as a bad omen for a family. Many mutants are put into orphanages, and some orphanages specialize in care for mutants. However once they become of age they have a hard time getting work, especially the more distinctive mutants. Many who survive to adulthood become adventurers, travelers, and avoid populations as they often are shunned.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital