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Numeria are any ancient technology left behind by the Star Walkers; Cyphers, Relics, Artifacts, Complexes. Numeriamancers are a branch of Artificers that specialize in studying these devices, and use magic to provide some additional insights, and abilities to manipulate them.



Numeriamancers usually have some years and experience as artificers. They need to have the ability to read and may need to know Gnomish or Dwarven to read some of the more extensive texts on cyphers. Most need to have apprenticed for a Numeriamancer to learn the basic types and their effects.

Career Progression

Apprentices study all the known types and features so they can recognize them, and the dangers of the various devices. They learn about the known types of relics and kinds of monsters and beings associated with them.    As Journeymen they research actual cyphers and relics, both active and deactivated to learn their composition, effects and catalog them for their guild. Journeymen are also usually signed up to help identify them for paying customers, and go on hunting expeditions to find them in old burial sites, ruins and other locations known to house them, or rumored to house them.   Only Masters are allowed to trade in cyphers and relics. Journeymen cannot buy or sell these items only masters can. This is to limit the market in these sometimes-dangerous devices, and to make then number of buyers small to keep the price high. Often times the lord of a city must approve the title of Numeria Master because they only want trustworthy and respectable dealers.

Payment & Reimbursement

Typical services a such as identifying a cypher is 20gp, to identify a relic may cost up to 50gp. Numeriamancers prefer payment in gold.   Relic hunters may agree to join a party to help recover and identify numeria for a pick of the choice cyphers.

Other Benefits

Numeriamancers have a special niche in every society on Alterra, the guild keeps a tight control on the trade of relics in their city, and being a guild member will get you into very influential circle in both wealth, government and knowledge.



Ancient technology is dangerous. It is powered by forces no one completely understands, and the ability to see the signs of these dangers before they can wreak havoc are limited. Some cyphers when they break may cause serious damage, even break reality. Their presence in a city could kill, maim, mutate, or injure anyone nearby if misused. City leaders need to know what devices are being traded that could prove to be asymmetrical weapons in the region.   However, power is always coveted so city leaders, elites and the ambitious want as many as they can get a hold of (which is 3 at any one time on their person).

Social Status

Most city guild Numeriamancers are considered middle class merchants. Adventurer Numeriamancers are considered traveling traders, hucksters or if their reputation is well know minor celebrities.



Numeriamancers are artificers so they usually have many fine tools and instruments, they will also keep various oddities that may be used to determine the presence of unseen rays, chemicals, or other dangers. Many have protective goggles, gloves, tongs for handling unknown cyphers and relics. They usually also have at least two metal boxes to contain individual cyphers so they are not keeping too many on themselves. some will also have a handcart with the lockable trunk with lead lined as well. Those that can obtain a cypher bag will keep it close to hold unused cyphers.   Most also keep journals, notes, and scrolls of their encounters for future reference.


Guild Numeriamancers may have a shop in a good merchant district and have complicated locks and bars to keep thieves out, some employ guards at all times. Some cities may require all of these shops in a walled district protected by the city guards.

Dangers & Hazards

Cyphers can emanate rays, bend flesh, rewrite your genetic code, infuse you with dimensional energies, mess with the flow of time, so there are many dangers. The most common is cypher feedback, when you pick up a fourth cypher, the energies could interact and cause dangerous feedback. Most apprentices  are trained to be organized and mindful of where every cypher is at all times, which is on them or connected to them in some way.   The second most dangerous hazard is mutation. There are many strange chemicals, aerosols, nanities, bio mechanical devices, psychic and radiation that can cause mutations of those who work with broken numeria and in hot spots.   Finally if they live long enough some get diseases, consumption, or incurable conditions cause by exposure.
Sometime's city officials, sometimes merchants, some are hazmat specialists.
Guild members must follow strict rules on handling and sales of Numera. The Guild Masters are the only ones who can sell cyphers, and must keep their inventory, sources and sales recorded and ready for city inspection at any moment. Taxes are levied on these sales as well.   Black market numera sales happen between individuals, which should be overseen by a Guild master and are not reported. accidental damage from cyphers can be punishable.


Hit Points

Hit Dice: d8 per Numeriamancer level
Hit Points at first Level: 8+con modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: d8+Con modifier


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Sheilds
Weapons: Simple weapons, fire arms
Tools: tinker's tools
Saving Throws: constitution, intelligence
Skills: Arcana, History, investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Slight of Hand

Overview & Creation

At third level An artificer may choose to follow the path of a Numeriamancer. These magic users are interested in the Numeria, ancient technology that blur the line between technology and magic, an area Artificers already explore.

Class Features

At 3rd level they chose the specialist “Numeriamancer”   Tool Proficiency. Tinkerer’s tools. If you already have this choose another set of tools.     Numeriamancy. At the following levels instead of learning spells they take these Feats:   3rd level: Identify Numeria, Hot Zone detect, Complicated Device Operation   5th level: Recharge Numeria, Biomechanical Nature   9th level: 4th cypher, Disable Device   13th level: Relic reconstruction   17th level: Construct Relic   Identify Numeria. At 3rd level the artificer knows enough about the characteristics to determine the use of a cypher or relic based on a battery of nondestructive tests. These tests take a short rest to perform. They can tell the user how to activate it and what it is likely to do. To identify any numeria they need 10 minutes and sacrifice any spell level 1 or higher. Spell slots are regained after a long rest.   Complicated Device Operation. Some complexes and dungeons may have technology so large and complicated it is more than a relic, and may have extraordinary powers or functions. The Numeriamancer has a chance to understand how to operate it toward a desired function. DC30 investigation check and a short rest expended studying the device. Lower the DC by 1 for each level of Numeriamancer the character has.   Hot Zone Detection. A Numeriamancer is schooled in all of the tell-tale signs of contamination from numeria, their energies, fluids, or accidents. A DC 17 Investigate check is made for an area 100’x100’. Success means they have seen some evidence that the area is a hot zone or warm zone or clear of any hazards. For each spell slot they sacrifice they can scan 2x a larger area (200'x200' for one slot, 400'x400' for two, and so on). They will know a danger is present and it's general location, but not what the danger is. (cypher based monsters, nano machines, radiation, dimensional rift, etc) Spell slot is regained after a long rest.   Recharge Numeria. At 5th level the artificer can recharge a spent cypher for 1 more use or a depleted relic for one more use. They actually need to draw on their magic and they can do this by spending a spell slot and using a short rest to cast the magic energies into the item. This does not work on injections, pills, liquids or salves. It takes a long rest to gain back the spent spell slot.   Biomechanical nature. At 5th level the Numeriamancer can attempt to guess the motivation, function, behavior or capabilities of various cypher infused mutants and monsters on a Nature or Arcana check DC = 6+CR of the enemy.   4th Cypher. At Ninth level the artificer can have on their person a 4th cypher without ill effect. They spend a spell slot and they can carry it for 12 hours. If they spend 2 spell slots they can do it to another medium or smaller creature. Larger creatures require an additional spell slot for each size category. They regain the spell slot after a long rest.   Disable Device. At 9th level you have enough knowledge to attempt to deactivate a cypher or relic safely without causing a mishap that could cause more damage than when it was just working. The attempt will take 5 minutes and DC15 arcana skill check.   Relic Reconstruction. At 13th level the artificer can attempt to fix a depleted relic. This is a DC16 arcane check and takes 2 days of work. If successful the relic will work 1d4 more times. This requires 5000gp of materials, and they must expend a spell slot. They regain the spell slot after a long rest. If they fail the check they must spend the 2 days and spell slot again, they can reuse the materials.   Construct Relic. Using a combination of magic, cyphers and experience working with these mysterious devices the Numeriamancer can attempt to make a relic. The Numeriamancer needs 25,000 gold worth of materials, 6 cyphers of any type, and a week of uninterrupted work. To construct the device takes a DC20 Arcana check. Failure means the relic will not function, the materials and cyphers are spent. The successful device will have a depletion of a 1 on a d10 each time it is used. Relics that can be constructed this way (Arcana of the Ancients page) :

  1. Cypher bag (p.60)
  2. Cypher stabilizing suit (p.61)
  3. Endless Coil (p.69)
  4. External Skeleton (p.70)
  5. Hover belt (p.81)
  6. Launcher (p.86)
  7. Liquid Sword (p.86)
  8. Machine steed (p.87)
  9. Skull Blaster (p.109)
  10. Thunder Cannon (p.118)
  11. 1 piece of iron flesh (p.49)


Starting Equipment

Tinker's tools     Staff, club, quarter staff, sling, light crossbow & 20 bolts   or   flintlock pistol & 10 bullets     2 small metal boxes, traveling clothes, boots   Light armor or Sheild


Can use any spell marked with (M) for material component. Must have tools in hand to produce the affects of the spell. See the Artificer Spell list.   Spells and spell casting is the same for other artificers, however the Numeriamancer has learned to funnel their innate power into cyphers to power and control them by sacrificing spell slots.


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