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Other Species

There are a plethora of races in the D&D milieu and for this game I was sticking to the less Fey and fantasy species. There are a number of other monster races, super-dimensional races and other races presented in books and if you want to add them to this setting here is a quick way to think about them:   Origin: roll d20
01 Race created by magic and reproduce only with special spells or transformation of victims
02 to 06           Sub race evolved rapidly by magical energy or an artifact into a new species. 1d6 generations old, few traditions different from original race.
07 to 12 Race came on the Ark Ship but were such a minority they have been collectively forgotten or moved to such a remote location they have been forgotten
13 to 15 Race came on Ark ship but were annihilated by war or disaster and assumed extinct.
16 to 17 Race came on Ark ship in hibernation and were not revived until after the fall of technology a few thousand years after the crash.
18 to 19 Long ago mutated by a now destroyed relic, used to be a normal animal now sentient race and has been around for a thousand years with set cultural parameters
20 Alien species that has just arrived to explore this planet, race is advanced guard using local technology to blend in. May be explorers or conquerors. players with this background have access to 2 starting cyphers.


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