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Session 9.0 Marduk depths Report

General Summary

Taking the stairs down they travel 6 flights of stairs, seeing the levels at each landing caved in till they reach that 6th landing. Here the levels seems safe and clear and the emergency lights are on. They enter the corridor and find a similar layout to the floors above. they go left down the corridor and come to a room. it's large and full of broken furniture. As Mollie and Keiman explore the room Fassae hears the "Poof" of something teleporting. Mollie finds claw marks on some of the furniture.   They decide to move toward the sound of the Poof. They come to another door that opens in to a similar room. but instead it is filled with body bags. They search the bodies and find one Iron Flesh arm. It is not clear what killed these people but they are all lizardfolk. Exiting through a second door they open into another corridor. From this corridor they see some kind of seating area. They hear the poof again this time close by. Keimen and Udo decide to run up and investigate. They see a horrible deformed huge humanoid creature that seems to shift in and out of reality, its multiple limbs merging together in sickening ways.   Combat begins as the gibbering creature begins to flail at Keiman. He returns some withering blows while Udo lands several arrows into the fiend. As Mollie and Fassae join the fray the monster teleports out of Keiman's reach and viciously attacks Mollie. Keiman charges the monster but it phases out of the way. Udo continues to put arrows into it and Fassae pelt it with spells. Mollie notices it can regenerate. The monster then teleports away from the party. They spread out to search for it. Its spotted at the end of the hall and Keiman charges it. mollie sprints over to get a shot. It teleports over to Mollie and grabs her then teleports away before Keiman can double back and charge it again. As the monster savages Mollie it reappears with it's back to Udo who finishes it off.    Keiman reaches the scene and proceeds to chop up the remains of the monster to ensure it's dead. Fassae provides some healing to the party and they rest briefly to bind their wounds.   Mollie finds that there are working machines in this seating area. These provide food and water. it's a bland puck of nutrients but it's food. It's set into a wall and Mollie finds a door to enter a room that contains the rest of the food machinery. She determines that it is self powered, and it could be removed and transported but there is no time for that right now.   Meanwhile Keiman and Udo continue to explore and come to a corridor with a series of lockers and another door at the end. Keiman tries to break the door when a rod extends from the ceiling and hits him with a ray that paralyses him! As Udo goes to check on him moments later two large drones pop out of the ceiling. Udo gets some choice shots into the joints of on of the drones. Keiman snaps out of the effects of the ray and gets to his feet. He returns two throwing axes at the second drone. Mollie and Fassae hearing the commotion run to join the fray. The drones fire their weapons but miss. Udo continues to land arrows into the drowns and downs one of them causing it to sputter down in flames. Keiman bashes the second one with his great axe and Mollie finishes it.   After this combat Mollie disables the ray emitter trigger that was part of the door. They gain access to the last room and find a massive drawing on the floor. It appears to be an arcane sigil of some kind. They find a sheath of papers in Elvish that are a formula spell for The Elder Sign and a Protection Aura.   After this long day of adventuring the party decides to make camp in the seating area.
Seige of Karna
Khayman Den udødelige
Neutral Good Firbolg ()
Ranger 7
72 / 72 HP
Dummy One
Jinka's character
Report Date
11 Oct 2022


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