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Tabaxi have a few small city states, but none of great power, these are situated around the Long Sea. Tabaxi traders are common across the planet, and despite the myths are good sailors, individuals can get very far on their travels.   Adventures are curious and tend to be explorers, looking for something novel.  

Basic Information


Humanoids with feline features that vary by sub races, but physically similar to humans, though their reflexes are superior. Their society is based on presence so they lean heavily on noticing manerism, speech patterns, manners and affectations.   Tabaxi are covered in a mixture of guard hairs, manes, and beards. They do not sweat.   The other major difference is their retractable claws, as a result they have an extra joint in their fingers and toes and can extend those claws at will.

Biological Traits

Tabaxi come in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of sub races with different shaped ears, manes, colors and fur patterns. Most are medium creatures between 110 to 200 lb, and between 5'-0" to 6'-0" tall and rarely does an individual get much shorter or taller than that.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tabaxi are mammals and give birth to live young. Male and female reproduction is the same as other mammals.   Mixtures of the sub races tend to lean toward a dominant facial and fur combinations.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tabaxi are born blind and have limited movement for the first two months. They open their eyes in their third month. They become able to fully walk a month two months later. They can usually speak around their first year.   Tabaxi reach adolescence around age 13 and reach full maturity around age 16.   Tabaxi have claws when they are born, and are usually adept at using them in combat by age 3.    Tabaxi are considered geriatric at age 60, and begin to become grey around the muzzle and mane around age 50 to 70. Grey muzzles are the only outward sign of aging, it is hard to tell if their skin is wrinkled and the oils in their fur keeps it smooth for a long time.

Ecology and Habitats

Tabaxi are better suited for dry climes, but can be found all over Alterra. Different sub races may prefer one clime over another, but in general Tabaxi dislike wet climates, but tolerate them as easily as a human.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tabaxi are carnivorous and must eat meat and other parts of the animal flesh. They can not tolerate grains and fruits.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tabaxi usually live in loose knit family units and tend to be adequately fine alone for long periods of time. Most tabaxi leave the house around age 14 and tend to wander more and more until they are gone for years into the world. They may not travel all that far, they could just relocate frequently to a city state and travel around a lot in-between which lends to the perception that Tabaxi just turn up randomly.   Tabaxi are from Ayorhah lands and especially the long see are often sailors. They are nimble and don't mind being away from home for long periods of time and easily find new associates and friends.

Facial characteristics

These vary across the sub races examples are:  
  • Lionoids - have thick manes, large expressive muzzles and rounded ears. brown and yellow body fur with darker brown manes.
  • Lynxoids - have thick mutton chops and pointed ears, thicker body fur and silver grey hair
  • Felinis - most common race and have a medium length fur and flatter faces with pointed ears. Have the widest variety of body coloring from solids ranging from white to black, yellow to blue, and varieties of color patterns and stripes.
  • Jaguaroids - usually short body hair, no manes, colors are yellow to jet black with black spots.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of Tabaxi migrated with the Ayorhah to the Long Sea region and the largest populations can be found there. However they can be found all over the world and may have colonies and enclaves around the world.

Average Intelligence

Tabaxi have human levels of intelligence and are better at reading body language and picking up on feint clues of emotional bearing.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tabaxi are nocturnal by nature and have more rods in their retinas and have dark-vision and can see in dim light like day light, and see in shades of blue. Their whiskers tend to have more nerve endings and muscles so they can be sensitive to breezes and things near their face.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tabaxi are given a clan name based on principles of astrology, omens and clan mythology. These names are weird and esoteric so most Tabaxi go a by a shortened nickname based on some aspect of that name. (See D&D 5th Ed. supplements.

Major Organizations

Many Tabaxi are attracted to Photoconcordence because of the focus on astronomy and astrology, and in Ayorhah lands these are commonly found in the hierarchy.

Beauty Ideals

Tabaxi focus on an object, person, monster, or place for a period of time and become obsessed with it. They have these passing fancies and curiosities that drive their attention.

Gender Ideals

Tabaxi are attracted to highly charismatic members of their own species and other species. It may not always be sexual.

Relationship Ideals

marriage and long term relationships are not common to Tabaxi and most are raised by their mothers with the help of the clan and who ever is hanging around at the time. As such tabaxi tend to be interested in intense obsessive relationships for a short time then the flame burns out. That could be a week or a decade.

Average Technological Level

Tabaxi are quick to learn technology and have many accomplished Nuemeriamancers, artificers, smiths, and scientists. They love knowledge and will become fascinated with some aspect and make a huge advance then wonder off from it to their next fancy.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tabaxi have passed down common for generations even if they have lived in other regions for generations. They are adept at learning languages and usually know at least one other.


Planet Bast was a Star Walker world for a long time, possibly even longer than the elves. However the Tabaxi were never motivated to push their technology and science to the levels that would make them true star walkers, they were great explorers and traveled the galaxy far. A ship with a tabaxi and a tortle crew could be gone for centuries and turn up piloted by their children eager to explore the core systems because they were new and unknown to them.   Tabaxi hold that the ship was kept together and peaceful because of the tabaxi entertainers who mingled easily with the other species for long periods of time and built relationships with them. After the crash the Ayorhah core was the Tabaxi who helped organized and lobby for support from the disenfranchised groups that were abandoned by the Soki, Atlanteans, Aerolends and others.   The cities of Tyri, Saqqar, and Eluer all have large populations of Tabaxi who have power and positions in those cities. Tyri has a Tabaxi line of queens.

Common Myths and Legends

The Captain. The Tabaxi hold that the mythical captain who landed the Ark ship was a tabaxi as no one else would be as skilled a pilot to manage such a feat. They note that had such a feat been done by another race they would have spent the rest of their lives being a captain. Only a tabaxi they say could walk away and be interested in something else so easily.   The Cat Lord Bast. The Tabaxi maintain that there will come a great king called Bast who will unite the tabaxi and take them to a new planet for them to finally stop wondering as it will be filled with infinite curiosity. Some tie this to The Captain, who they believe left to find such a world nearby after landing the ship. As such no tabaxi will give a tabaxi child the name Bast, and no Tabaxi will take that name.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tabaxi get along with most other species but are viewed as not reliable as they will just up and leave one day or loose interest in what they are partnered on. Tabaxi get easily bored with people they meet and have a need to find new interesting people, knowing that the boring people they left will have done something new later.   Tortles - Tabaxi partnerships are legendary as they complement each other and can both explore for a long time and enjoy discovery. If you get on a ship captained by a tortle and crewed by Tabaxi you will never return home but you will never be bored.
Origin Torsha
110 years
Average Height
5'-0" to 6'-0"
Average Weight
110 lbs to 200 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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