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Thymetre Mountains

Mountain range on the north end of Origin Island. Formed from crust uplift these mountains are fairly young at around 12 to 20 million years old. Most of the peaks are under 13,000 feet, but are very jagged. The mountains contain a fair amount of elemental metals such as silver, copper, gold, and several minerals and have gems and semi-precious stones in abundance on the surface. There is little ground cover and many glaciers. the slopes are being carved by seasonal melts and several rivers and streams have formed to the seas. rapids and waterfalls are common, so few of these rivers are navigable.


The western coast is a thin set of cliffs and foothills with temperate forests. This rough land has not been settled, but may have nomads and hunting parties in the summers. the mountains are fairly jagged and hard to scale, there are few passes to make it into the interior of this range.   The tallest peak is mount Zyx at 13, 421'. Each mountain has a glacier or two and avalanches are common in late winter. Snow melt in mid summer and end of summer can cause dry stream beds to flood. There are several mountain lakes not yet mapped that feed springs hundreds of miles away as the water makes its way through fissures to springs at the base of the mountains.   The north coast of this range are shear cliffs and small fjords with small strips of land and sediment. The seas hear have many rocks and reefs. ships looking for respite can become forgotten wrecks very quickly.   The eastern side is much drier, the clouds having been pressed of moisture on the west side. This side of the mountains opens to a floodplain and then to parched desert and the ocean.
Inhabiting Species


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