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Complete Timeline

The Complete timeline of Alterra.

The Age of Foundation

0 237

Year 0 to Year 237

  • 0


    The Races begin to form into more organized groupings beyond just masses of tribes of people.

  • 17


    The Races proceed to explore Alterra for suitable places to establish their domains. The Vel to the forests alongside Dryad and Satyr. Thol in caverns. Goblins in the desert, Humans all over the world.

  • 27


    Minor conflicts break out between the various Races as they seek to claim territories, especially a grand set of ruins near central Alterra.

  • 45


    Peace holds for 90 years as the Races work on building their first kingdoms. This is known as "The 90 Quiet Cycles". Spreading of the faith of The Seven begins to gain traction.

  • 135


    Tensions between the Races and the Zinvel and Kus-Thol slowly rise, culminating in the two Races opting to go to the Shadowroads.

  • 148


    Trade relations improve between the Races of the Overland while the Zinvel and Kus-Thol struggle to come to terms below.

  • 173


    The first recorded "War Beneath" takes place between Zinvel and Kus-Thol. Neither side is victorious. An uneasy truce is called.

  • 175


    30 years of the Races infighting amongst their own as dominant worship of various Deities of The Seven is solidified, known as "The Holy Tumult" The Kus-Thol and Zinvel agree to take one half of the Shadowroads each.

  • 205


    Despite the Holy Tumult, war is avoided. Each Race establishes devotion to one or two of The Seven each, including the Kus-Thol and Zinvel. Trade relations begin to prosper once more.

  • 237


    The Races flourish for 23 years in a period of unprecedented peace. The Kus-Thol and Zinvel open trade with the Overland as well.

The Age of Prosperity

237 311

Year 237 to Year 311

  • 237


    The Races flourish for 23 years in a period of unprecedented peace. The Kus-Thol and Zinvel open trade with the Overland as well.

  • 260


    The Zinvel and Kus-Thol begin tenuously trading with one another. More formalized trade routes begin to form as the first maps are drawn up.

  • 269

    Existence of Dragons is confirmed to be more than just folklore. First contact is made by Imperial Humans with a Gold Dragon named Demoralonn.

  • 270


    Demoralonn spends time with each of the Races. He introduces them to Essence as a form of recreational drink, imrpoving bonds between all Races.

  • 282

    A second dragon makes themselves known, this time to the Goblinoids first. A Silver Dragon named Kavnordul. He hints there is more to Essence than Demoralonn lets on.

  • 283


    Kavnordul continues to undermine the good will offered by Demoralonn, making a similar campaign as the Gold Dragon had. This leads to confusion among the Races as to the nature of Dragons.

  • 291

    Demoralonn finally confronts Kavnordul. The two terrify the nearby Races by fighting in their true forms. Kavnordul wins, and in doing so, taints the area with Void, making it into the Region now called the Nightfen.

  • 292


    Kavnordul vanishes. People of all Races who now worship the Silver Dragon call themselves The Brood of Kavnordul, and seek to convert the kingdoms. Acquisition of Essence intensifies.

  • 311


    The Brood of Kavnordul cause problems for all Kingdoms from within. They especially conflict with worshipers of The Seven. The tension seeps into politics.

The Age of Tension

309 407

Year 311 to Year 407

  • 311


    The Brood of Kavnordul cause problems for all Kingdoms from within. They especially conflict with worshipers of The Seven. The tension seeps into politics.

  • 352


    The kingdoms begin pointing fingers at one another, accusing them of orchestrating the Brood. No Race takes credit, but none deny it either.

  • 378


    Small scale battles erupt between different Races Kingdoms, generally over worship of the Brood vs. The Seven, but no full scale war is declared.

  • 385


    Due to ongoing skirmishes, trade operations were heavily impacted, leading to economic hardship. This increases the severity of Tension between the Races. This period is known as "The 21 Year Winter".

  • 407

    An Imperial Human King and Queen are assassinated under pretense of being high-ranking members of the Brood of Kavnordul. The blame is placed on the Aeovel.

  • 407


    The other Races watch as the Imperial and Aeovellian Kingdoms wage war. Known as The Gilded Wars, it devolves from Human vs. Vel to Brood vs. The Seven.

The Age of Influence

407 551

Year 407 to Year 551

  • 407

    An Imperial Human King and Queen are assassinated under pretense of being high-ranking members of the Brood of Kavnordul. The blame is placed on the Aeovel.

  • 407


    The other Races watch as the Imperial and Aeovellian Kingdoms wage war. Known as The Gilded Wars, it devolves from Human vs. Vel to Brood vs. The Seven.

  • 423


    A ceasefire is called, and a summit of representatives from all Races is organized to root out the problem of the Brood once and for all.

  • 426

    The First Council Summit of Alterra takes place, with leaders and representatives from all Races present, along with their advisors.

    While many of the representatives seem in favor of eradicating the worship of Kavnordul, let alone any Dragons- many of the advisors, as well as a handful of leadership of Imperial, Drinn-Thol, Myrenvel, and Nomadic peoples argue FOR the Brood.   In a fit of frustration, a Kus-Thol advisor attacks another of the advisors in favor of the Brood, forcing the advisor to reveal themselves as a Blue Dragon. The Summit erupts in chaos.   Amidst the chaos, nearly every advisor, and a couple of the leaders who had been in favor of the Brood, are revealed to be Dragons of all colors except Gold and White. The Summit disbands to avoid more bloodshed.

  • 427


    Fear of the Brood of Kavnordul grows as the Races can no longer tell who might be a Dragon in disguise. All Kingdoms look inward trying to to regain some level of order.

  • 454


    Many of the Dragons occupying leadership and advisor positions stop hiding and make themselves known, openly influencing their Kingdoms towards open conflict for territory and resources.

  • 473


    Kingdoms and territories begin being known by the claim of the ruling Dragon rather than a particular Race. Members of all races band together both against Dragon rule, and in worship of The Seven.

  • 490


    The Brood of Kavnordul slowly fades in with those in favor of Dragon rule. Followers of the Dragons become known as The Broodborn. Worship of The Seven is outlawed in Dragon controlled territories.

    Followers of The Seven are slowly hunted down and executed, forcing them into hiding.

  • 520


    Followers of The Seven call themselves The Truthbearers, but they are slowly losing ground against the Broodborn and their Dragon overlords.

  • 534

    A Gold Dragon named Hestalynn makes the risky move of meeting with the leaders of The Truthbearers to offer her aid against the Broodborn. The Truthbearers are against the idea, but having the aid of Gold Dragons would help even the odds.

  • 535


    The Truthbearers make use of the Shadowroads and aerial surveylance from their Gold Dragon allies to recruit, reinforce, and prepare for all out war.

  • 551


    Small victories are won by the Truthbearers, establishing footholds in key regions of both the Shadowroads and Overland.

The Age of Dragons

551 703

Year 551 to Year 703

  • 551


    Small victories are won by the Truthbearers, establishing footholds in key regions of both the Shadowroads and Overland.

  • 596


    The Dragon Lords begin fielding more of their own kind after realizing the aid the Truthbearers have been receiving from the Gold Dragons. The Gold Dragons, reach out to the few White Dragons in existence for aid.

  • 627


    The Broodborn believe they are near victory over the Truthbearers as their numbers dwindle. In reality, while the White Dragons refused to help directly or long term, they agree to teach the Truthbearers Dragoncrafting.

  • 642


    With each slain Dragon, the Truthbearers craft more useful weaons and armor for defeating the Dragon Lords, and make quick work of the Broodborn in turn. Faith in the Dragon Lords waivers as faith in The Seven resurges.

  • 679


    Key victories are made by the Truthbearers, reclaiming Kingdoms in Aeoleyn'Mir and Heavensbridge Spire. More Broodborn defect to the Truthbearers, but distrust of the Gold Dragons starts to stir.

  • 685

    The climax of the Age long war is reached as all but two of the Dragon Lords join the battle. Many Gold Dragons join the Truthbearers as well, but the sheer size and power of the Dragons is more than the Races can stand against.

    This year comes to be known as "The Year of Fire", when many of the previously established Kingdoms fell to ruin as war between almost all of Dragonkind overtook Alterra.   Broodborn and Truthbearer ceased to matter. There was only Dragon and non-Dragon as the Races of Alterra sought shelter in any form, putting aside many differences as the world around them burned.

  • 686

    Realizing the destruction they wrought, all 7 types of Dragon agreed upon an end to their war, and requested parley with the Races of Alterra. Not wanting to risk more conflict, the Races agreed.

    This meeting was known as "The Draco-Mortal Summit", and was attended by whatever remaining leadership the Mortal Races of Alterra could muster, along with a majority of each Dragonflight, including its leaders. The Dragons offered peace, as well as to never interfere in Mortal dealings ever again.   It was at this summit the modern day codes known as Dragon Law were established, with its primary Covenant to the Races of Alterra being to remain abstinent from their dealings. The Races agreed.

  • 687


    Before departing, the Dragons also agreed to pay reparations by helping pick up the pieces of the war they waged, leaving Alterra as close to how it was before the Dragons interfered. Once the world was sufficiently healed, the Dragons departed.

  • 703


    With reduced population and weary from war, the Races return to their original regions to begin the process of rebuilding their Kingdoms.

The Age of Reconstruction

703 921

Year 703 to Year 921

  • 703


    With reduced population and weary from war, the Races return to their original regions to begin the process of rebuilding their Kingdoms.

  • 780


    Though not wanting more conflict, the Races also did not have the means to share resources freely to aid one another. During this time, isolationist self-centered Racial notions begin to solidify.

  • 800


    The last remnants of the Truthbearers, no longer using the name, but still seeking unity, purpose each Race offer resources to fund a massive central Kingdom for all Alterrans. Though some are reluctant, all agree eventually.

  • 858


    The Aeovellian Kingdom, originally known as Sirth'Syleyn (Keep of Rebirth) established in the ruins in central Alterra was chosen to be the main capital. The name Emanon was chosen, found roughly etched around the ruins.

  • 906


    Despite the establishment and ongoing construction of Emanon, Racial tensions continued to rise as a strain on resources needed for the rapid reconstruction lead to disputes across regional borders.

  • 921


    Wars between Clans of Nomads was nothing new, but as they began to happen more frequently along borders of different Kingdoms, threat of new conflicts arose.

The Age of Escalation

921 993

Year 921 to Year 993

  • 921


    Wars between Clans of Nomads was nothing new, but as they began to happen more frequently along borders of different Kingdoms, threat of new conflicts arose.

  • 934

    Construction of Emanon is completed, and it is purposed each Race send one Representative and two advisors for their representative to establish a ruling High Council for all of Alterra.

  • 935


    Calls for the High Council fall on mostly deaf ears as age old rivalries continue to grow. Trade relations were still minor as fear of another Long Winter began to circulate.

  • 949


    In an effort to curb escalation, as well as show the merit of a High Council, an initial High Council was formed of only 5 of the 12 Races of Alterra. They attempted to call for Trade negotiation- but this only made things worse.

  • 961


    The Races not on the first High Council accused the 5 that were of conspiring to capitalize resources for their people over the other Races, and try to exert their authority over the Races who weren't in the Council.

    The Council of course rejected this and offered still to take more representatives- but other Kingdoms who were represented on the Council took the affront from the other Races personally and threateningly.

  • 984

    The Council, comprised of Imperial, Aeovel, Fenn-Thol, Villager, and Dryad, began to doubt the effectiveness of a High Council of Representatives with such a wide range of Races and beliefs.

    Even the worship of The Seven had become divisive among Races and regions, where only 200 years ago it was a unifying force. The Council began to bicker, and the Dryad representative took their leave.   Without the voice of the Dryads, the Fenn-Thol and Villagers found themselves at odds with the views of the Imperials and Aeovel. Before long, the Fenn-Thol left their seat as well. Then the Villagers. Only 2 remained.

  • 985


    The rapid dissolution of the First Council was seen by many Races as not only innevitable, but beneficial- good riddence to a project doomed to fail. However, the remaining Imperial and Aeovellian representative came to be viewed as an alliance for war.

  • 993

    Desperate, the earnest Imperial and Aeovel made a final bid in support of the Council. The response given by the Goblinoids of Saket'Fajir offended the nearby Imperial Humans, who vowed retribution.

  • 993


    Though the Council urged against conflict, the Imperial Kingdom of Mandathu, located North of Saket'Fajir, marched South against the Gobloinoids.

The Age of Relocation

993 1239

Year 993 to Year 1,239

  • 993

    Desperate, the earnest Imperial and Aeovel made a final bid in support of the Council. The response given by the Goblinoids of Saket'Fajir offended the nearby Imperial Humans, who vowed retribution.

  • 993


    Though the Council urged against conflict, the Imperial Kingdom of Mandathu, located North of Saket'Fajir, marched South against the Gobloinoids.

  • 1011


    Though the Goblinoids had terrain advantage, the Mandathu were relentless, and eventually broke through, forcing a full evacuation of Zemibrosk. The Goblins fled via ship to the East, landing in the Forlorn Mire some time later.

  • 1031


    The Mandathu took control of Zemibrosk, renaming it Manda'il Fajir. They proceeded to kill or chase off any Goblinoids left in Saket'Fajir. This act came to be known to the Gobloinds as "The Green and Grey Purge".

  • 1040


    The Goblins work on building up a new Empire known as Gildamere, and adopt a reclusive attitude towards most of Alterra. Nomads, Fenn-Thol, and Villagers have repeated conflict over territories. Kus-Thol and Zinvel conflict picks back up in the Shadowroad

  • 1108


    Villagers seek Imperial aid against Fenn-Thol, which cause Fenn-Thol to seek Drinn-Thol aid. Nomads ally with some Myrenvel and even a few Satyr against both forces. The Aeovel deal with internal strife while building within Aeoleyn'Mir.

  • 1133

    Avoiding another war, Fenn-Thol, Villagers, and Nomads reach an agreement. Signing "The Open Sky Accords".

    These laid out that the Villagers would occupy primary routes. Fenn-Thol would occupy further settlements, and Nomads would roam between both, but none should infringe on the other.

  • 1134


    The Drinn-Thol formally recognize the Kingdoms of Kalduul-Durok, Kaz'Huul-Darrow, and Igni-Durok as more than just settlements. Graz-Durok remains the seat of political power and capital for the Drinn-Thol.

  • 1160


    Myrenvel and Aeovel tensions continue as the Aeovel sort out their internal struggles for the time being. All Myrenvel are exiled from Aeoleyn'Mir, and seek refuge in the other wooded areas of Alterra.

  • 1179


    Friction between Myrenvel, Dryad, and Satyr Races quickly ramps up as the Myrenvel seek to claim the various other forests of Alterra- which they dub Vales. The Myrenvel don't push their luck.

  • 1184


    Zinvel and Kus-Thol conflicts continue in the Shadowroads. The previous half each agreement dissolved. No full scale war, but both sides begin to build their Kingdoms amidst repeated skirmishes. Vel'Soreth is established as the Aeovellian capital.

  • 1199


    Imperials near completion of multiple Kingdoms, and begin exerting limited authority over Villages within their regions. Villagers aren't thrilled, but appreciate the added security and resources. Villager settlements expand.

  • 1227


    Goblinoids once again start appearing across Alterra. Most Races are distrusting of them, as are Goblins towards most Races. Trade relations begin opening once more between most Races. Talk of what to do with Emanon begins to rise again.

  • 1239


    The Imperial Capital of Emanon declares itself the center of Religion, given their most grand temples and statues of The Seven. Some Races disagree with Imperials holding sole ownership of the "Center of Religion".

The Age of Faith

1239 1367

Year 1,239 to Year 1,367

  • 1239


    The Imperial Capital of Emanon declares itself the center of Religion, given their most grand temples and statues of The Seven. Some Races disagree with Imperials holding sole ownership of the "Center of Religion".

  • 1246


    Various Kingdoms declare themselves the center of religion for a specific God or Goddess of The Seven. Some Kingdoms claim the same deity, leading to tension. A small Ruin in the Forlorn Mire "activates", releasing Void creatures upon the Goblinoids.

  • 1263


    Gildamere holds out against the Void assault, but eventually calls for aid. The Humans of the Southcape and Westmaw regions answer, coming by boat. The Void threat is stopped, but the "Gateway" remains active.

  • 1283

    hough confused, some devoted to the more Void aligned Deities realize the Gateway may be Void related. Many tests and impromptu Rituals are conducted to try and close the Gateway. Eventually a combined group of Void Devout are successful.

  • 1284


    Void Deities see a surge in worship. Pilgrimage to Emanon in particular rapidly increases despite other Kingdoms claiming to be the center of religion even for Void Deities. Research into other Gateways picks up.

  • 1298


    Light Devout blame Void Devout for staging the Voidgate incident in the Forelorn Mire as a mean to gather more followers. Void Devout dispute this, pointing fingers at Light Devout for not doing enough to help the Voidgate incident.

    Rifts begin to form between Light and Void.

  • 1310


    Emanon tries to maintain neutrality among Faiths as conflict seems unavoidable. Imperials begin forming a group dedicated to research and historical accunts. Aeovel begin forming a group to study the Gateways around Alterra.

  • 1340

    "The War of Light and Shadow" begins. Each Race picks a side and divisions run deep. Satyrs and Dryads quickly abandon the war along with formal religion (for the most part). Emanon maintains itself as a Sanctuary.

  • 1351

    Amidst the war, the Royal Academy of Scholarly Pursuit is officially founded by the Imperials with limited Aeovel collaboration in Emanon.

  • 1359

    The War of Light and Shadow loses meaning as various splinter faiths, subsects, and zealot cults form and twist the reason for the conflict to suit their own needs. Conflict subsides a bit but tensions stay high.

  • 1363

    One of the splinter groups worshiping Kilrom called The Eye of Truth attacks Emanon despite the Kingdom maintaining its neutrality and sanctuary status for all Faiths and Races. This act unites many of the Faiths against this group.

  • 1364


    The Eye of Truth is routed by a combined force of the previously warring Faiths. This brokers a moment of peace and discussion rather than conflict as Emanon sees an influx of pilgrimage and worship.

  • 1367


    More formalized Churches take shape and organized forms of worship spread out from Emanon. Some Kingdoms and Races are hesitant but wish to avoid another Holy War.

The Age of Reason

1367 1456

Year 1,367 to Year 1,456

  • 1367


    More formalized Churches take shape and organized forms of worship spread out from Emanon. Some Kingdoms and Races are hesitant but wish to avoid another Holy War.

  • 1379


    Given the incredible feats granted through Faith as seen in the previous war, deeper study into Rituals picks up, as well as study into Essence. the foundations of the Mages Guild comes into form from the Aeovel.

  • 1392


    Alongside study into Rituals and essence, various other materials are experimented with as well, leading to the formation of a rudimentary Crafters Guild.

  • 1403

    The Mages Guild is officially formed with the completion of a secluded tower to the North East of Aeoleyn'Mir known as Aurena'Sendol. Enrollment to this Guild is exclusive to Aeovel.

  • 1404


    The Drinn-Thol of Graz-Durok begin pulling some of their presence from Emanon as tensions with Imperial and even some Villager Humans begins to rise over territory claims at the base of Wyvernspire Peaks.

  • 1413


    Imperials of the Kingdom of Stornholde begin organizing a more formalized fighting regiment, even including members of other Races besides Humans. Enrollment restrictions at Aurena'Sendol begin to loosen, though still highly difficult.

  • 1422

    A branch of the Royal Academy of Scholarly Pursuits breaks away to take a more hands on approach to collecting and sharing histories of Alterra, forming the foundation of the future Bards College.

  • 1423


    As Goblinoid society flourishes in the Forlorn Mire away from the world, less structured Goblinoid settlements begin to form in Serpentbog Pass and the Nightfen. These Goblinoids take to marauding, giving all Goblinoids a bad name.

  • 1448

    The Bards College is officially formed and recognized as an organization of wandering historians, story tellers, and re-enactors of those stories. This becomes a natural haven for performers whether interested in history or not.

  • 1449


    The Drinn-Thol begin displays of aggression against the nearby Human settlements, though care is taken to avoid bloodshed. Stornholde's fighting regiment is formally recognized as a Guild by Emanon and various other Races, forming the Fighters Guild.

  • 1456


    Increasingly brazen Goblinoid attacks lead many settlements to harbor deep disdain for the Race as a whole. Some seafaring Settlements to the West begin mistreating ships from Gildamere, leading to more unrest.

The Age of Resentment

1456 1513

Year 1,456 to Year 1,513

  • 1456


    Increasingly brazen Goblinoid attacks lead many settlements to harbor deep disdain for the Race as a whole. Some seafaring Settlements to the West begin mistreating ships from Gildamere, leading to more unrest.

  • 1464


    The Drinn-Thol begin escalating tensions with the Kus-Thol within the earth over territorial borders as well, leading to issues both above and below their mountain homes.

  • 1478

    A new village is established to the East of Graz-Durok lead by a Human named Ulric. He, along with like-minded people, sought to escape Thol and Human aggression and wanted to try and find peaceful terms on their own with the Drinn-Thol.

  • 1479


    Ulricstead repeatedly fails to parley with the Drinn-Thol, only serving to increase tensions as Graz-Durok sees the settlement as expansion. The Kus-Thol uncharacteristically don't escalate tension, not wanting to risk two wars.

  • 1489

    The Drinn-Thol launch an assault on Ulricstead as a show of force and posturing. Barely a handful escape as Ulric makes a stand for peace, giving his life. The settlement is renamed to Ulric's Stand. Stornholde views this as war.

  • 1490


    Stornholde, along with support from the Fighters Guild and Dernoke to the Northeast, launch a siege of Graz-Durok. Thinking they have little to fear, the Drinn-Thol do not take the threat seriously and suffer heavy casualties.

    As numbers thin, fear the Kus-Thol may attack from below grows. Fearing the Zinvel may attack, the Kus-Thol do not attack the Drinn-Thol, and the two enter into a sort of cold war as the Imperial forces slowly gain ground against Graz-Durok. The Drinn-Thol begin considering their options.   In an unprecedented move, the Drinn-Thol go to the Black Dragon nested atop the Wyvernspire Peaks and lie, saying the Imperials are the aggressors and are coming to take the mountain and even slay the dragon and its brood.   Initially believing the Drinn-Thol, and going against Dragon Law in what she thought was defense of her life, Phaysendra attacked the Imperial forces, inflicting great damage before stopping to speak a warning. To which the Imperials explained the truth... Outraged, Phaysendra turned on the Drinn-Thol and decimated their remaining defenses before returning to her roost. The Drinn-Thol, left with no option, surrendered. Despite their worst fears, in honor of Ulric, the Drinn-Thol were shown mercy in the aftermath. Allowed to carry on as before the conflict.

  • 1494


    The Blackwing Concord is signed noting set borders for the Drinn-Thol and other Races surrounding their mountains. The Races that had been mistreating Gildamerian ships are met with warnings of conflict strong enough to deter it from happening.

  • 1513


    Due to the growth of Emanon as a central hub of commerce and ideas, talk again begins to circulate of a Grand Council to mediate conflicts like the recent War of the Peaks.

The Age of Unity

1513 1650

Year 1,513 to Year 1,652

  • 1513


    Due to the growth of Emanon as a central hub of commerce and ideas, talk again begins to circulate of a Grand Council to mediate conflicts like the recent War of the Peaks.

  • 1520


    The Heads of the Guilds, as well as rulers of the Kingdoms, villages, tribes, and more, are tasked with surveying the will of their people and finding what the way forward is desired to be.

    This is taken seriously and 7 years of peace reign as if the world itself is looking to the future.

  • 1528


    The 11 Kingdoms decide upon a High King/Queen to represent them, chosen by the Rulers of the Kingdoms. In a similar but more widespread practice, the Village Humans have a representative election system.

    Tribal Leaders of the Nomads choose one High Chief to represent them on this council. The Aeovel Noble Families select a representative from their people which changes every 9 years. The Myrenvel Noblity agree upon one of themselves to act as representative, which rotates each year.   The Zinvel Noble Houses send a representative from House Kyre, as the Goblinoids of Gildamere send a representative elected on merit from their citizens. The Satyrs send one who is liked the most across all their troupes socially.   The Dryad Groves convene their Elders and choose a young tribute to go as their representative carrying their wisdom but bringing young eyes, ears and ideas along with it. The Kus-Thol send one of The Rulers most trusted advisors, as such a position is beneath The Ruler Himself.   The Fenn-Thol's three noble clans share the responsibility and serve 3 year terms on the Council in a rotation. While the Drinn-Thol nobility send a representative chosen from their brightest Scholars, usually until old age retires them of the position.

  • 1532

    The Grand Council of Emanon is officially formed, deigned to help mediate needs between all Races both mortal and non.

  • 1533


    In what is the longest period without open conflict in modern history, Alterra sees incredible growth and prosperity. Kingdoms, villages, guild halls, trade routes- everything sees improvement and refinement. History is shared and recorded between Races.

  • 1598

    The unheard of progress and sharing of knowledge and technique leads to the previously roughly defined Crafters Guild being refined into the Crafters Guild with its two subdivisions: The Hammerstrike and Mysticbound Unions.

  • 1599


    All Guilds open recruitment restrictions completely, most notably the Mages Guild. Expansion into the Vales for resources leads to friction with Myrenvel, and Satyrs/Dryads to a lesser extent, but tempers remain balanced.

  • 1618


    Interest in the past begins to grow in the current generation, as the RAoSP begins an archaeology department. Exploration by coalitions of all Races spread across Alterra looking to learn more if its long history.

The Age of Glyphs

1652 1672

Year 1,652 to Year 1,672

  • 1652

    In the region of Taeraway south of Emanon, small crystal and stone disks engraved with mysterious runes are discovered at an excavation site.

  • 1653


    Research into these Disks, now called Glyphs continues. The Ritual of Attunement is discovered, and a silent arms race begins to unlock their secrets.

  • 1658

    The Adventurer's Guild is formed and construction on outposts all over Alterra begins. People from all walks of life join up to find their fortune and glory.

  • 1659


    All manner of Glyphs are discovered; the most commonly found of which become known as the Starting Glyph List. Research into their construction gives birth to Runescribing, alongside breakthroughs in Essece Weaving.

  • 1672

    The Taeraway Adventurer's Guild Outpost is completed nearby the original excavation site. Each month, the RAoSP sends an expedition into the dig, and Adventurers from all over Alterra come to Taeraway to see what unfolds...