The ground is dangerous. The farther one travels from settled regions, the more deadly the threats seem to become. There are raiders and monsters, and the odd storms of wild magic that threaten the people on the ground. The majority of territory on the ground is unsettled, most people prefer to keep close to the strong walls of cities and the strong arms of militias. People on the skylands looking down would see farmland and ranches gradually spreading out from the boundaries of the cities, then overtaken by forests and untrammeled wilderness. Still, the ground does have hope.
Natural Resources
People make their way to the ground to establish themselves. The cities in the sky, and they are the homes of many, but they are small and there is little resource wealth that can be developed on them. Settlers on the ground establish farms, mines, quarries, ranches, and make hunting and gathering expeditions through the varied terrains of the ground. They collect good and ship them up to the sky, where they can be sold at markets, or processed into finer things.