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As a child, Ajal knew they didn't really fit in. Being a tiefling in Sigozasia would do that. Even from a young age, their magic started to manifest. They couldn't do anything too crazy, healing small scrapes and stopping shallow cuts from bleeding were about all they could do. Still this pushed their small potential of friends away completely. Kids can be cruel, and they were to Ajal. They'd like you to believe they didn't care, but that would be a lie.   When they were old enough to sit still for an hour without pitching a fit or whining embarrassingly loud, their father took them to church. Ajal found it boring, as any 8y/o would, but when the time came to pray silently they felt… something there with them. The presence felt very similar to what Ajal felt when using their magic.   Intrigued by what that could mean, and who or what that was, they continued to go to church with their father. Everytime they prayed during service, the presence was there.   It wasn't until the service after their 10th birthday that they thought about asking the presence who it was. The moment they thought it, the warm feeling of life left the room. What replaced it was a biting chill of an emotion Ajal had yet to experience.   A name echoed in the back of their mind before life rushed back to the room. Ajal looked around, but no one else seemed to be affected by what had just happened. This prompted Ajal to approach one of the priests at the end of the service.   They described what had happened to the priest and when Ajal spoke the name aloud, everyone there felt it. "Voraci," the life in the room was replaced by cold again, for just a moment.   Ajal's father, who was there next to them, stared at their child in shock as the feeling of life rushed back into the room. The priest took their father aside and they whispered to each other for a moment before the priest approached Ajal. He kneeled down to meet their eyes and asked if they would like to come to the church to study. To connect with Voraci and strengthen their magic. They looked at their father and when he nodded Ajal accepted the priest's offer.   Starting the very next day, Ajal went to the church everyday after school to study and train their magic. It felt good having a place to belong to and people who accepted you.   After a while though, Ajal grew restless and bored. There was nothing more to study and their magic couldn't grow any stronger without actual threats to fight against. A little deeper, though, was a hidden desire to kill, and doing that here would be problematic to say the least. And after living in the same place for nearly 20 years Ajal was sick of this town.   Noticing their restlessness and perhaps sensing their desire to kill, the same priest who had offered them a place took them into his office. There, he pulled out a drawer filled with files.   He told Ajal about violent heretics and cults who had been attacking churches all over the world in crazed attempts to kill deities. He said most of the churches communicated with each other and shared information on the most dangerous individuals and groups. Ajal had put two and two together at this point and was not at all surprised when the priest asked them if they were willing to "deal with them," as he put it.   They pretended to think about it for a moment before asking about payment. The priest, looking a little sick, told them to collect evidence of what they had done and deliver that along with the file to the nearest church and they would give them payment. With that, Ajal agreed and the priest, feeling very uncomfortable with the entire situation, left them to look through the files.   Ajal picked one that seemed easy, this man had been causing trouble in a town in Animalia and had alerted the local authorities to his presence. They traveled there and joined a group of adventurers tasked to deal with him and his associates. Ajal found it fairly easy to kill and decided to cut off a finger for evidence.   On that journey they met a self proclaimed monster hunter called Diana who offered the remaining party a spot with her group hunting monsters. Ajal was hesitant, she had shown up at the end of their battle and straight up killed two of their party members who had been infected with lycanthropy. Diana hadn't seen Ajal as a monster then but they didn't want to find out the rest of her group's definition of what a monster was, and so declined.   After collecting their reward from the adventuring guild who recruited them, they left for a town with a richer looking church. The one in this town was also an orphanage and looked like it received poor funding, they wanted to be sure they got their full reward.   Once they found a nicer looking church, they attended a service and after approached the priests there. Ajal presented the finger and file to them, feeling like a proud child showing their most recent creation to their parents. Disgusted and more than a little intimidated, one priest went to retrieve their payment while another led them to an office with more files for them to choose from.   Traveling across countries hadn't been very kind to them so they picked one confirmed to be in Animalia. Over the next 8 months, Ajal successfully dispatched 2 more targets before deciding they were bored of Animalia.   The next target they chose was last seen in Kadia, but finding his exact location took more time than Ajal had anticipated and they ran out of money. They decided to take up odd adventuring jobs.   On one they fondly remember, they fought a dragon with a bear, a senile man, and a tiefling named Kalquine. Ajal and Kalquine made friends quickly and met at a local tavern once every two weeks and swapped adventuring stories.   After almost four months in Kadia, Ajal had evidence of their target leaving the country. They left a note for Kalquine telling her they had to leave on short notice but they promised to write once a month.   A few days later they had caught up with their target, he was traveling near the border of East Qarth and Caspia. Luckily for Ajal, they were near Gambler's Bay so disposal would be easy. They killed him easily, ambushing him while he set up his camp.   They cashed in at a church in Kadia and before choosing a target they spent a few days at a tavern near Gambler's Bay. They figured making some allies here would be useful and was approached by a lady who called herself Nyad. She said she liked their stories and after a few nights together Ajal asked if she knew of any "business opportunities." Nyad revealed herself as a pirate captain, her title had surprised Ajal, and offered them a place on the ship which Ajal accepted.   To take advantage of this allyship, Ajal chose a different kind of target. This was an entire cult operating in Caspia whose main base of operations was highly suspected to be near Gambler's Bay. Ajal had just been given a list of names and aliases, along with a few faces.   They knew taking down an entire cult would be pretty much impossible on their own and they didn't want the risk of dragging their allies into this. Their plan was to kill as many as they could before the cult noticed their presence, then escape through Animalia.   Being a pirate gave them a major advantage; It was an easy getaway and gave them enough anonymity to slip under the cult's radar.   Thanks to this, and the money they "earned," they were able to hunt for nearly 4 years. Ajal had eliminated 6 cultists of varying ranks before they suspected the cult had found them.   They had noticed when they docked near Kadia for supplies, someone seemed to be following them. When they got to town, they realized multiple people were now following them. They made sure to always be with someone and didn't sleep the entire three days that they were docked.   Once the crew had returned to the ship, and after a good night's rest, Ajal told Nyad they suspected the cult had found them.   After almost four years together they had grown quite close. Ajal had told her the true nature of their travels a year or so after they joined the crew. Nyad had known the day would come where Ajal would have to leave for all of their safety and agreed to stop in Animalia next.   The ship was on open water for a month before they docked next. There Ajal said goodbye and Nyad told them they always had a place on their ship and in her bed.   With that, Ajal left with a hollow feeling. They had never developed romantic feelings for Nyad, and suspected they wouldn't for anyone, but would miss the company of another person.   Throughout their entire travel to a church, they thought about this feeling, and after they collected their rewards, they chose a target in Sigozasia. They hadn't yet told their father they were a bounty hunter, when they left they told him it was a kind of missionary thing for the church and that they didn't know when or if they would be back. They figured they might as well show him what they had become, he had a right to know. They still weren't sure but they didn't need to be yet, they were focused on their next target.   And somewhere in there, because Moth is too lazy to rewrite everything: They were employed by a mysterious and powerful being called Adamas who recently had established a subdimension in the middle of the continent. During the unstable period of tiem where it had just formed, a Caspian wizard managed to infiltrate the subdimension and it had caused even more instability. Adamas was forced to outsource by employing Ajal and some others to get rid of said wizard in return for a half-wish.   Ajal and the others managed to traverse the dangerous and strange landscape in order to find the wizard, who was killed by one of the native creatures.   For confirming the death of the wizard, Ajal was granted the reward and wished to live comfortably. They received a fancy pillow that allowed them to be comfortable wherever they went.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

I'm hot

Body Features

Hot as fuck

Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics

the sexiest person around

Physical quirks

being too cute

Special abilities

being hot

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, Ajal knew they didn't really fit in. Being a tiefling in Sigozasia would do that. Even from a young age, their magic started to manifest. They couldn't do anything too crazy, healing small scrapes and stopping shallow cuts from bleeding were about all they could do. Still this pushed their small potential of friends away completely. Kids can be cruel, and they were to Ajal. They'd like you to believe they didn't care, but that would be a lie.

Gender Identity

no <3


aromantic and fucks who they want


Employed by the church to k///ll people uwu

Mental Trauma

childhood bully stuff, u know. feeling like they will never truly belong anywhere, unsure of whether or not to be their true self for fear of not being accepted. has masked their personality for so long that they're not even sure who they are anymore, all that fun sexy stuff.

Morality & Philosophy

morality? hmm... no <3


Contacts & Relations

The church a certain crew in Gambler's Bay

Religious Views


Wealth & Financial state

A fancy pillow

Bounty hunter who worships Voraci currently looking for their next target. Aromantic but gives decent relationship advice, doesn't understand most social cues and is pretty stupid.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
monster hunter place
no <3
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Infernal

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