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Baisley (a.k.a. Cthulhu)

Baisley had the unfortunate luck of being born both a Changeling AND in Qarth. Taken in at a young age by a forgetful and neglectful tiefling couple, she discovered her innate magic at a young age.   Upon hearing about adventures further west, she defected from Qarth through the sewers and to Sigozasia. It took her several more years of odd jobs (including a bar which worked up her appetite for alcohol) and mild training for her to be able to finally become a licensed adventurer.   Of course somehow she gets mixed up with the adventurers that are supposed to save the world from dragons. Things get gradually crazier when one of her adventuring members die, and her patron sets his eyes on Baisley. Greeted with the true dangers of adventuring, she takes the offer, not knowing this would be one of the most impactful decisions of her life.   It seems the more she delves into her warlock side, the more morally ambiguous she becomes. Murdering horrible people for power seems a lot more good than what a ton of people do anyway.   Nowadays, she and her party are jumping from region to region trying to stop (and seemingly fail) the dragons that will be causing doomsday. These adventures include taking down government officials, pissing off government officials, disguising as government officials and getting a tiefling girlfriend.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's a changeling.

Body Features

She's a changeling.

Facial Features

She's a changeling.

Identifying Characteristics

She's a changeling.

Physical quirks

She's a changeling.

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

A nice golden maid outfit. It's probably a fetish but she digs the look.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Baisley is young and she is a little less naive than others her age. She is still usually positive things will turn out fine.   She worked a lot in her early years, which might be why she is a lot less of a hard worker now. She has a lot of convenient spells and doesn't mind paying the fee here and there without haggling. If she has the money now, she'll use it how she likes.   Aside from life in Qarth where she mostly hid around and erased her existence, she is generally happy with her current situation. Being vocal and having an identity is kind of fun.

Gender Identity

Probably Female. She just likes female clothing better, but she doesn't mind shifting to the opposite gender if necessary.


Based on how attractive they are. Mostly Lesbian.


Literally 0 formal education. She is a great imitator however, and she copied a lot of things like speaking, social cues and manners. She also has a talent for languages.


The Adventuring Guild and a lifelong employment to her patron Syolkiin.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Meeting Syolkiin. Successful assassination attempt on X*rxes. Killing some pirate bitch. The dagger collection.

Failures & Embarrassments

Letting Tako die anytime. Failed assassination attempt on X*rxes. All of the dumb shit everyone collectively does.

Mental Trauma

Not much except for the neglect and hiding when she was younger, but she has a pretty decent mental fortitude. Not much bad has happened to her mentally.

Morality & Philosophy

Murder isn't bad if it's justified, like if it is someone horrible or for power. If it is unnecessary to be violent, she will not be. If she is attacked, her short temper means direct attack.


She can't eat octopus. Also probably a lot better if she lays off seafood permanently.

Personality Characteristics


She is motivated by the idea of adventure and power. Her main goal is to stay alive long enough to see what Syolkiin has in store for the world.   A lot of the time her decisions are fueled by curiosity but most of the time, it is what seems like the safest option.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She has a talent for being sneaky and is usually the one to do a recon mission. The party uses her changeling side sometimes, but her skill in acting is debatable.   She has an inability to deal with children properly.   She also knows how to play instruments (but like her player, she never practices).

Likes & Dislikes

She likes adventuring, wine and octopus. She's grown to like the charming sea creatures (do not eat).   She dislikes how obsessed with religion most Alterum people are. Also children and rats, which are basically the same thing.

Virtues & Personality perks

She at least cares for her party members.   Her charm would be her appearance because materialism is great, and probably something like teamwork.

Vices & Personality flaws

She has a small temper sometimes and when it comes to people she dislike, she is unpleasant and uncouth.   If she gets hit she is probably knocked down.

Personality Quirks

She is a shadow sorcerer and a warlock despite her appearance. Sometimes she says ominous things, but she's otherwise very very normal.


idk does anyone in the party shower? prestidigitation i suppose. she likes to appear nice.


Contacts & Relations

Her tiefling girlfriend Bloodspill (or Jane for the normal people). 50% chance she's dumped Baisley by now but the dragons don't wait honey. Misses her on occasion, but doesn't think about her brother because she dislikes children.   The rest of the ever rotating party. Grimazaura: regular mildly likable annoyance, their deceptive powers mix a lot and always up to schemes Estahn: where did we pick up this old man again? he's strong and amusing but seeing him with Syolkiin in the same setting sure is srange Thana: cool fella that chilled out a lot with, one mighty scarecrow, a mighty teeth collector Nox: don't talk about this blue-haired bastard, legally not allowed to kill each other Olg: recently met, seems lovely if not a bit unlucky Deimos: guy has a really cool dog

Family Ties

Qarth has awful people.

Religious Views

A rare non-religious person. She carries a lot of church stuff from the penguin paladin, but she never plans on using it.

Social Aptitude

Decent social aptitude, the ability to awkwardly laugh and literally disguise as someone else


A completely normal young adult. She occasionally says weird things but that's probably just the shadow magic.

Hobbies & Pets

Tako is her friend and flying octopus pal. She loves him, and they are great combat partners!   Traveling and adventuring is her whole gig. Also some fine wine.


Lore-wise there is a 0.0001% that she would be well-spoken. But when the dapper tentacle man in a suit shows, it's best behavior.

Wealth & Financial state

Wealthy enough to stay alive.

Baisley is a defect from Qarth, who's current hobby is traveling and drinking wine. One of the rare residents of Alterum who isn't religious, but the tradeoff is serving her mighty patron Syolkiin and acquiring tentacles.

View Character Profile
"True Neutral" (Leaning Evil)
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Nothing bad ever happens to Baisley.   "I fucking hate rats." "I'm way better than that twink." - In reference to Nox "Pshh Baisley, call me Cthulhu instead." "What did I say about the candle."
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Elvish, Halfling, Telepathy (with any aberration, beast, elemental, or monstrosity that has an innate swimming speed.)

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