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Kalqine Drafrord

Kalqine Drafrord

Kalqine is a tiefling paladin, devoted to Flonnis, the goddess of love. She carries out the good word of Flonnis by fighting in her name, occasionally showing her body off to make her proud. She is among a group of five other adventurers, Grimazura, Olg, Deimos, Estahn and Baisley, tasked with saving the world from the likes of three primordial dragons.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Taller than average Muscular underneath armor Attractive body

Body Features

Long tail, reaches down to the ground

Facial Features

Yellow, slitted eyes Pointed ears Pair of horns Straight nose Upper fangs

Identifying Characteristics

Primordial forehead gem Jade Coast Corsairs brand underneath shoulderblade on her skin

Special abilities

Ability to make a concentrated explosion using the primordial red gem

Apparel & Accessories

Modest silver armor and maroon underclothes Pink fur collar Maroon tabard Brown leather boots and gauntlets Gold jewelry on horns, ears and tail

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalqine was once an orphan who was taken in and raised by the Drafrord family, the primary commanders of the Jade Coast Corsairs off the southern coast of Kadia. One day, as the band returned to shore, she ran as far north as she felt safe, to the town of Dalry in northern Kadia. There, she took up a new life and served a convent that worshiped the Goddess of Love, Flonnis, as well as meeting her good friend Ajal in her time there. Becoming her new paladin and swearing an oath of devotion to her goddess, she became a traveler to spread the good word of Flonnis and to vanquish evil from this world. Along her journey of taking up jobs and helping when she could, she met her unusual steed that she calls Valentine (and still isn’t able to recall the events to clarity). During her way west, she found herself in Sigozasia, which was where she found her current adventuring party. Now, sharing their goal to stop the 3 primordial dragons from destroying the world they all live in, she divine smites her way through the action, flips her tabard out of the way to show off her ass, and also tries to convince the party that her horse is nothing to be feared (and fails, continuously).

Gender Identity

Cis female (she/her)


Heavily bisexual, no preference


No formal education


Occasional jobs through commissions, adventuring party, or side jobs as a solo adventurer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Being bestowed paladinship by Flonnis

Morality & Philosophy

Follow and honor Flonnis' word, and carry it out whenever possible

Personality Characteristics


Honor Flonnis Save the common people Go back to Dalry one day

Virtues & Personality perks

Optimistic Truthful Trustworthy Responsible

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsive Dramatic Judgmental Brutally Honest


Contacts & Relations

Temple of Flonnis Adventuring Party Aethrad Citizens, Generally

Family Ties

No ties to her blood-related past

Religious Views

Heavily influenced by religion Pursuit of religious knowledge being spread is a large motivation

Hobbies & Pets

Valentine (less of a pet and more of an incidental responsibility)

Wealth & Financial state

Had no money following the escape Made money with the party through commissions and jobs

A paladin patroness of the love god Flonnis.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Bimbo Paladin The Paladin with a Fucked Up Horse
Mid 20s
Jade Sea Coast, Kadia
Current Residence
Aethrad, Sigozasia
Platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
167 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"No! I was supposed to kill the dragon!"
"Flonnis, please give me a bigger ass..."
"I finally killed something!"
"Valentine isn't scary, he's just a little special."
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Undercommon

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