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Olg the Bear

Olg the Bear (a.k.a. Olga)

Magic bear full of care

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, built like a bear but a bit on the lanky side

Body Features

Missing eye, missing front of torso

Facial Features

Apparent lack of eye

Identifying Characteristics

He's a black bearfolk

Physical quirks

Can pull his innards out if he so pleases

Special abilities

Magic mofo

Apparel & Accessories

Sweetgrass circlet, eyepatch, green cloak

Specialized Equipment

Follows a fighting style that specializes in sturdy defense and tricky offense

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Olg's bloodline holds a terrible curse caused by Celbi, the ascended Dryad god of decay. This curse is shown through terrible patches of missing flesh and rot. The right eye is always missing. Olg's family angered Celbi, though he doesn't know what specifically happened. This information, for now, is lost.   Olg is the son of his father, Yod the grizzly bear, and his mother, Tory the black bear.   Yod's version of the curse was very easily shown as all of the flesh on the right side of his face was missing.   Tory did not inherit the curse as she was not born to Olg's bloodline.   Olg's version of the curse is shown not only with the characteristic right eye missing, but also the entire front of his torso missing. To counteract this, he wears a light metal plate over his exposed vitals. This plate is removable and he accomplished some interesting acts with this ability.   Yod fell to a monster slayer known as Diana after contracting bear lycanthropy.   Celbi noticed Yod's great deeds to Animalia and blessed his son (that he didn't know of) with a particular proficiency in the arcane.   Olg grew up without a father, though he did know what Yod was up to.   Growing up, Olg tried his best to hide his curse. His efforts were fruitless, however. He was alienated. Now he didn't even belong in Animalia.   At the ripe age of 21, Olg acquired the correct documents to enter Qarth. Here, he picked up a few adventuring gigs and made some money here and there.   Olg's true story begins after a terrible nightmare. He wakes up inside of a frog and after fighting his hardest to leave its stomach, he meets the Draco Resurgem crew.   Now Olg is off on a (hopefully) legendary journey. As far as he's concerned, he's still dreaming.

Gender Identity

Olg is male.


Olg does not have a defined sexuality.


Prodigy in the arcana, though plans to study further into a specific school of magic.


Muscle for hire   Once was a barkeep for community service

Accomplishments & Achievements

Slew a wyvern with a dysfunctional party   Destroyed the Paltrow trio   Proud catalyst of Doug the Big Monkey

Failures & Embarrassments

Almost digested by a frog   The Ketamine Incident   The Hold Person Incident

Mental Trauma

Olg is traumatized by Arrno, who murdered him in his dreams.   Olg is scared of sharing his opinion on stairs.   Olg is questioning his existence after encountering a wandering eldritch anomaly.


Taxidermy insults Celbi.

Personality Characteristics


Olg's only drive is to keep moving. He also plans to make amends with Celbi for his family's wrongdoings.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Magical prodigy

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Wine Cool magical stuff Food   Dislikes: Meat Taxidermy   Scared of: PINK MEN OR ROBOTS

Virtues & Personality perks

Good food = good mood

Vices & Personality flaws

Doesn't know much about anything outside Qarth, Carnivora or Animalia   Doesn't read the room well   Easily tempted by food and other exciting things


Hates the feeling of dirty fur, so tends to stay clean


Contacts & Relations

Tory   Ajal   The Draco Resurgem party   Insane Dave   Crazy Don   Kalqine

Magical bear under the scrutiny of Celbi

View Character Profile
Border of Animalia and Carniovora
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
350 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Hey"   "I take back what I said about stairs"   *Donkey Kong thumbs up*   "This is embarrasing, really."
Known Languages
Common, Giant, Primordial, Animal Common

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