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Althalos Continent of Vol'Kalamir

7861 AME

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Welcome to Vol'Kalamir, fourth planet from the sun, El'rhui'dan. A cluster of landmasses compose the archipelago continent of Althalos, a diverse world of different races and species living mostly in harmony under the rule of The Helosian Dynasty. Since its discovery before The Crisis, people and creatures have harnessed Arcanus, a raw element native to Althalos that allows its wielder to shape and influence reality to their will. There were those who used it for personal gain and purpose, utilizing it in the form of magical spells and rituals; however, this free access to Arcanus led to numerous conflicts, some of which resulted in disaster and ruin. Unfathomable destruction of civilizations across Althalos, known as The Crisis, eventually led to the ratification of The Cobalt Concordat, thus beginning the Arcanus Modern Era (AME) and the rule of The Berenthor Dynasty   Under the terms of The Cobalt Concordat, Arcanus was to be strictly regulated by the ruling Dynasty. Unlicensed use of Arcanus became a federal offense, punishable by incarceration or death, meted out by the Magistrates of Skywatch, a Dynasty funded police force armed with weapons and armor powered by Arcanus.   In turn, however, this regulation of Arcanus allowed it to be used in the commercial and industrial fields, leading to a boom in technology. For over three and a half millennia under The Berenthor Dynasty, civilization thrived, principally due to the introduction of the Arclite Battery. Arclite is a highly condensed and radioactive distillate of Arcanus whose highly unstable form was impossible to harness until Voltec's launch of the Arclite Battery. These batteries allowed for the production of electrical machines and products, changing the way society lived and functioned. This era of technological and scientific advancement came to be known as The Golden Age of Arcanus.   However, greed manifested within the political elite, and a coup led to the end of The Berenthor Dynasty and rise to the brief and unremarkable Arandrax Dynasty. After two centuries of tumultuous in-fighting, The Arandrax Dynasty fell and in its ashes rose The Helosian Dynasty. With the rise of The Helosian Dynasty, control over Arcanus became stricter. Voices within the field of Arcanus study began to worry that Arcanus was running out, warning of doom and disaster should that occur. The citizens of Althalos were told they must give up the luxuries and amenities provided by Arcanus and the Arclite Battery and return to a simpler form of living. Naturally, this was met with resistance; however, Skywatch was swift and brutal with their retaliation.   Today, in the year 7861 AME, 3,000 years after the rise of The Helosian Dynasty, most of the citizens of Althalos live simple, humble lives. Much evidence of The Golden Age of Arcanus has been destroyed and lost. Only those of privilege and wealth still hold on to the vestiges of technological wonders from an era long past. Life for the citizens of the world has settled into a fairly "peaceful state of normalcy." Dynasty law continues to be enforced by Skywatch, still equipped with Arclite armor and weapons. Civilians are otherwise left "free" to pursue their aspirations in a capitalist society rife with corporate corruption and social inequality.

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