Erevan Ilesere (air-eh-van ill-eh-seer)

Erevan is a shape-changer and has numerous guises. As his avatar, Erevan chooses to appear as either an elf or a type of fey, usually a brownie, pixie, or sprite, of wildly different appearances and sizes. Regardless of what form he is in, Erevan always wears green somewhere on his body as a symbol of his love for the forests where fey and elves live Erevan enjoys causing trouble for its own sake, but his pranks are rarely either helpful or deadly. However, Erevan becomes very dangerous if sylvan races or weak elven groups are threatened, and he is always championing the underdog

Divine Domains

His portfolio is Mischief and Change and his domain is the Trickery domain which is a suite of spells and powers granted by deities whose portfolios included pranks, deception, and larceny. They grant divine spellcasters like clerics with magic of illusion and deceit. As a general rule, a cleric with the Trickery domain is a force of disruption, who prefers a deceptive approach to matters than a direct one.

His channel divinity powers are Invoke duplicity and Cloak of Shadows.


“Quickstrike” (short sword)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is an asymmetrical starburst, and his clerics dress in black leather armor with leather caps


Erevan's holy days are on the eclipses, and his faithful sacrifice stolen treasures to him whenever they feel it is appropriate.

Worshipers of Erevan host a Midnight Gambol once a month under the light of a full moon. Though the location of each Midnight Gambol is a secret, it is always held in a sylvan glade. The precise location of the event is something followers of Erevan passed around by word of mouth leading up to the event, but anyone, faithful or otherwise, who learns of the event using their own wits are welcome to join in on the festivities. Pixies, sprites, and other tricksters of the Seelie Court also participated in the celebration. Activities included dancing, storytelling, drinking wine, playing pranks, and sacrificing beautiful objects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Despite his fickle nature, Erevan is fiercely devoted to the Seldarine. He is part of an informal group of mischief makers (including Brandobaris, Garl Glittergold, and Tymora) who often draw the ire of more serious deities, such as Helm. Erevan’s boon companion is Aasterinian, an aspect of the draconic deity Hlal. Erevan and Aasterinian are almost never separated and their legendary adventures inspire younger elves who dream of emulating the mythic duo’s daring exploits. Other allies include Baravar Cloakshadow, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Milil, and deities, including Beshaba and Mask, for their cruelty and greed offends his light-hearted nature. He opposes the drow pantheon (other than Eilistraee). His pranks have provoked the anger of Bane, Loviatar, and similar evil humorless beings.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity (Elven)
Chaotic neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Trickster,, The Chameleon,, The Green Changeling, The Evershifting Shapechanger,, The Fey Jester, The Jack of the Seelie Court