
Lizardfolk are semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids. Their skin is covered in scales and varied in color from dark green through to shades of brown and gray.  Although non-reptilians struggle to tell the difference between males and females, lizardfolk could easily distinguish themselves. Lizardfolk have to keep their skin relatively moist and need to wet their bodies regularly if they are in dry climates. For this reason they are particularly fearful of desert landscapes.
  Lizardfolk have no interest in money or jewels. They also do not much value accumulating knowledge if it is not practically useful. They largely value things based on whether or not it is good to eat. If it is, it quickly got their attention; if not, it is ignored.. Lizardfolk could often become distracted at the appearance of food, even if they are in combat. They are easier to parley with after a meal, and a hungry lizardfolk is completely obstreperous.
Lizardfolk can be highly dangerous when provoked. However, they are not inherently evil; they are simply savage and have a hard time fitting in with the civilized world. Those that venture into towns or cities are often alarmed, frightened, or offended by the environment. A Few adapt into Althaneas societies, many becoming adventurers. But most feel that their part is to learn about "softskin" ways and in turn show them how "real people" live.
Most lizardfolk have little interest in battle tactics or strategy, and they fight as a disorganized mass of individuals. Despite their impressive hunting skills, lizardfolk often rely on strength and weight of numbers in battle, and simply charge their foes head-on. At the most, they try to push foes into water, where lizardfolk often enjoyed an advantage.
However, if lizardfolk are being attacked or pursued, or their camps are in danger or their territory invaded, their hunting skills came to the fore and they lay traps, snares, and pitfalls. They organize ambushes and raid enemy supplies. The more advanced tribes attempt cleverer strategies and traps. A great many lizardfolk lairs are defended by traps.
Most lizardfolk worship Semuanya, who focus solely on the survival and propagation of the lizardfolk species. This religion is maintained by clerics who serve as tribal shamans; they bestow Semuanya's blessings on the lizardfolk people whenever required. Although they have no shrines or temples, nor even regular ceremonies, lizardfolk are very proud of their religious traditions and their deity. 

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Lizardfolk are strong and hardy beings, and their thick scaly hides protected against attack. They could hold their breaths far longer than humans could, up to twice as long as an equivalent human. This ability enabled them to operate underwater in their marshy homes. The lizardfolk's tails aided them in keeping their balance and in leaping, and made them particularly gifted swimmers. Lizardfolk are also noted to have darkvision.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk females lay clutches of eggs, from which their young hatch. The eggs are kept well protected in the tribe's lair. The life of a hatchling is especially hard.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lizardfolk reached maturity within five years of hatching. As lizardfolk age, their bodies slow down. Most lizardfolk over the age of 60 spend their days laying on warm rocks in the sun. Although lizardfolk age much the same and have a similar lifespan to humans—the oldest reach 80 years of age—it is rare for lizardfolk males to grow old as they usually die in combat long before.

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk generally inhabit marshes and swamps in the temperate and warm regions of Althaneas. The majority dwell in swamps in well-hidden lairs, but around a third of the lizardfolk population actually lair in underwater caves that are filled with air.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are omnivorous, but strongly favor meat when they can get it. According to stories, to the lizardfolk, the most delicious meat is humanoid flesh, especially human, but this claim is more-or-less unfounded. However, some tribes do consume captives and enemies slain in battle. but more civilized tribes often resist this craving. Meanwhile, ritual cannibalism of deceased tribe-members is customary.
Lizardfolk are quick to consume anything that is edible. For this reason, lizardfolk never keep pets.
When hunters bring back prey, adult lizardfolk eat first, taking what they wished. The young are usually left with the scraps, and more often than not subsist on edible plants foraged from around the tribe's lair.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lizardfolk gather into tribes. A typical tribe might have 150 lizardfolk, with around 50 male, 50 female, and 50 hatchlings, Another might have only 30–60 adults, with half as many hatchlings and one tenth that number in unhatched eggs.
Lizardfolk society is patriarchal and leaders hold their positions for their strength and power alone. Although challenges for leadership are rarely made, anyone in the tribe can try and seize power from the leader. This would leave the tribe unorganized and vulnerable until a new leader took charge or the old leader has reasserted their position. Lizardfolk leaders are most often barbarians or even druids. In a tribe, they would be assisted by two lieutenants Many skilled warriors are fighters and barbarians.
Tribal shamans, meanwhile, are usually clerics who worship Semuanya. Shamans rarely serve as leaders, and by-and-large only offer advice. Females in the tribes are responsible for hatching eggs, raising young, and maintaining the camp. All the females in the tribe work together to raise the young. They monitor their hatchlings closely, as the young are difficult to handle and tended to wander off, away from camp and into the wilderness.
When a member of the tribe passed away, they are eaten by the others in a ceremonial wake. In this way, they became part of the tribe again, not just figuratively but literally.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • The eggs and skin of lizardfolk are bitter and inedible
    The skin of lizardfolk could be fashioned into studded leather armor
  • Lizardfolk heart:  Use: As an action, you may eat this item. Upon doing so, you gain the following abilities for the next hour: you are able to hold your breath for 15 minutes, you are immune to the frightened condition, your AC raises to 15 if it was lower than that as your skin becomes scaly, and once per turn, you may deal an extra 3d6 damage on a successful melee weapon attack, and gain temporary hit points equal to the extra damage dealt. Upon eating this item, you must also succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become berserk. While berserk, you must attempt to make a melee weapon attack against the closest creature to you, and/or move as close to them as possible. You remain berserk until the rest of the effects of eating this item also end.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The lizardfolk have no traditions of farming, cultivation, or animal raising, so food is acquired through fishing, hunting, scavenging, or stealing. Those that dwell near other humanoids raid their neighbors for food, supplies, and even slaves. The tribe's survival is its primary, or indeed, only concern.
When they feel threatened, or when food shortages would lead to starvation, a tribe would do absolutely anything to guarantee its survival, even committing acts others would see as despicable.
Most lizardfolk are content to live their lives out in the swamps and marshes where they are born but, on occasion, some would venture outside their swampy homes to hunt bigger and more dangerous prey. Sometimes a lizardfolk even desires to know more about the outside world, but mostly to bring knowledge back to their leader. When they do so, lizardfolk rarely travel alone. If they leave the swamp, they will do so in pairs or groups of three. Lizardfolk fear that, without others of their own kind with them to remind them of who and what they are, they would lose their identity and be seduced by the ways of civilization and never come home again.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Lizardfolk fashion primitive weaponry and tools from wood, stones, and plants they find in the wetlands. Lizardfolk prefer weapons they can fashion themselves from what is available, and so they tend to be simple and limited in variety. More advanced tribes make use of a wider range of weaponry and shields. Moreover, they will also utilize weapons they find or steal; tribal leaders typically get to use items that have been stolen or bartered from other races. The barbed dart is a weapon unique to the lizardfolk. However, their claws and teeth are often sufficient.
Camps vary in style from tribe to tribe. The simplest are just damp leaves used for bedding, but more developed lizardfolk tribes build small villages.
A species of giant gourds is staple of the Lizard Marsh. These enormous edible fruits are hollowed and dried out by the lizardfolk of the Marsh, making them into oversized containers, often bigger than an adult human in size. These gourds are painted, decorated, and used to store various liquids, such as fresh water, fermented alcohol, and small swimming snacks.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Lizardfolk speak Draconic and smarter individuals sometimes learn bits of Common. Depending on where they live, lizardfolk might learn other languages like Dwarven, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, or other languages used in their area, and even Aquan. Many ordinary lizardfolk are illiterate

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Neighboring lizardfolk tribes will often ally against formidable enemies, even against other hostile lizardfolk tribes.
The relationship of lizardfolk to other races is considered to be mostly that of hunter to prey. Lizardfolk of somewhat more civilized nature understood that other races might know something worth learning, and are ready to parley Lizardfolk are most likely to negotiate with halflings.[2] Nevertheless, lizardfolk considered themselves stronger and thus better than most other races[8] and therefore thought of themselves as "real people". Lizardfolk referred to most of the civilized races as "softskins". Lizardfolk rarely interacted with other races as their swampy homelands are home to few other sentient creatures. Their main competitors in the swamps are bullywugs, whom lizardfolk tended to despise.[22] They sometimes allied with locathahs, or choose to serve highly dominant creatures like dragons or nagas. In places where lizardfolk raiding parties threatened civilization, interracial relations could be particularly bad, In the coastal village of Lathtarl's Lantern the hunting of lizard folk became a sport


The lizardfolk themselves have no written history. Lizardfolk themselves believed they are one of the first humanoid races on Althaneas.. In their story, lizardfolk have dwelled in the swamps since the beginning and that all the civilized races outside have evolved from weak lizardfolk who could not endure their harsh life and left the swamps. Thus, the lizardfolk could look down upon the civilized races as weaklings. Outsiders thought it more likely that lizardfolk are an offshoot of the ancient Creator Race known as the sarrukh, appearing long before any of the interloper races came to Althaneas.. Regardless, it is clear that lizardfolk have an unimaginably ancient culture, virtually unchanged over the eons

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In rare events when lizardfolk are aided by members of other humanoid races and became respected among a tribe, robed lizardfolk shamans created large enchanted amulets of bronze. These items are universally recognized by all lizardfolk and proclaim that the wearer is a trusted friend. The amulet protect the wearer from any and all lizardmen attacks unless forced to defend themselves. 
The magics weaved by the lizardfolk are complex dweomers that made it instantly apparent if the medallion is copied. Additionally, these amulets are attuned to a specific wearer, making them useless when sold, gifted, or stolen.
Similar to humans—the oldest reach around 80 years of age
Average Height
Between 6 and 7 feet (1.8–2.1 m) tall
Average Weight
Between 200 and 250 pounds (90.7–113 kg)
Average Physique
Taller than humans and powerfully built
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is covered in scales and varied in color from dark green through to shades of brown and gray
Geographic Distribution