Wand of Filth's Bane

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the Filth's Bane spell from it. The wand regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Filth's Bane

Casting filth's bane completely cleans the body of one creature of up to huge size, including clothing and any equipment held. The target creature smells fresh and clean afterward-as does its breath. Its clothing, if any, appears soft, fresh, and pressed; however, the spell does not remove old, ground-in stains, nor repair rips and holes.

Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
1 lb.
15 inches long, 1/2 inch at the bottom, and 1/8 inch at the top
Base Price
100 gp.
Raw materials & Components
These wands are made with hardwoods, with walnut being the faveroit.