Les Poisons

Pour créer un poison il faut être compétent (proficiency) avec le Poisoner's Tools.  
Assassin’s blood Ingested 75gp 15
Burnt othur fumes Inhaled 250gp 50
Carrion crawler mucus Contact 100gp 20
Drow poison Injury 100gp 20
Essence of ether Inhaled 150gp 30
Malice Inhaled 125gp 25
Midnight tears Ingested 750gp 150
Oil of taggit Contact 200gp 40
Pale tincture Ingested 125gp 25
Purple worm poison Injury 1 000gp 200
Serpent venom Injury 100gp 20
Torpor Ingested 300gp 60
Truth serum Ingested 75gp 15
Wyvern poison Injury 600gp 120

Cover image: by Midjourney