You know, you're welcome boy... you get to be trained by the imp that made the great Drahz Grymhook the terror he is today.Harcourt is a small, well-dressed and one eyed imp who is best known for serving the Lady of Pain and, more specifically, her champion Drahz Grymhook.
- Harcourt gives his customary introduction to Fen.
Harcourt is an imp that is known to often boast of their skills and stories of 'training' others... greatly exaggerating and often outright lying in their stories. However, it is known Harcourt played a key role in Drahz's ascension to become the revenant champion and in the lady of pain's role as queen of the abyssal plane.
Harcourt was recently tasked with becoming the negotiator and middle man between Drahz and his new warlock Fenbalar Leoris.