Mount Naggrom
There's a reason you don't allow damn roaming bandits and mercenaries to hole themselves in with enemies of the state. I don't care a damn about their relation to the Grymhooks and Fellblade's those mercenaries gathered in that city state and renamed it Mount Naggrom because it's just that. A city of smoke, metal and stone. Impenetrable without mining teams and tonnes of explosives at their disposal... it takes a madman to see Mount Naggrom as the chance for military victory.If Freyfrost represented a terrifying force in the north then the south is the territory of Mount Naggrom. Formerly a Hobgoblin camp at the disposal of the nobles of Alturis, that alliance changed upon the inception of the Protection Act as they began to aggressively harbour those who practised forbidden magic. At first this was due to various wealthy nobles looking for protection but, soon after, it became a point of pride (something the Hobgoblins take DEEPLY seriously). They decided, if they were to protect the Aist Mages then they would do it in the only way they knew how. Mount Naggrom became the symbol of that sutbborn defence as they fortified the mountains and tunneled within going as deep as the beginning of the surface of the underdark. Every creature that used to rule those mountains were slaughtered and a society was built there that is near unassailable by outside forces.
- Brynton Swayde at the meeting with the Elected Crown.
An incredibly large Goblinoid population mixed with other tough races like half orcs, dragonborn and goliaths. Also houses a large quantity of mixed races due to the amount of Aist Mages that have received refuge within the city.
The town is ruled by Dmitriev Fellblade, the son of a survivor of the battle for Bastion and the one who united clan Grymhook and Fellblade. He is a hardy and cunning warrior who utilises the intellect and creativity of goblins and the fearsome abilities of the tougher races in equal measure.
He is fairly wise and is beginning to see that state they are currently in which has turned, in short, into a raid based war of attrition... he seeks to meet the Freyfrosts to come to an agreement with their peoples.
Alternative Name(s)
The Mountains
Outpost / Base